Sunday, February 27, 2011

Known Glory Holes Sacramento

I move ... here.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mobile Al Cruise Spots

Twenty of the Civil War from the Past!

Rome - 14 Dec - While the parliamentarians were again confirming its confidence in the government Berlusconi, on the streets of the capital just a short walk from the palaces of power, demonstrators have carried out a wave of guerrilla warfare and acts of vandalism to protest the them said to the choices of elected deputies and senators. This group manifested
began to destroy and burn everything that's happened to shooting, members of the police over the symbols according to their economic power, banks and shops. According to the Confcommercio of Rome : "The first estimate of the damage is estimated at 15-20 million euro Toilets routes, theft, failure to collect one day, damage to structures and no-shows in the hotels . The mayor of the capital Gianni Alemanno, who said that the city of Rome will be a civil party, confirmed the estimates of the damages and asks that the Government to make a special appropriation for "compensate merchants who have paid for all ". But some, such as claims that these damage were significantly overestimated .

The student protest does not stop, university again Wednesday in protest against the approval of the Senate on the Ddl Gelmini university reform stating that "We do not accept the red zone and we will try to violate it again, our moves during the marches are always placed before, in public meetings: what happened Tuesday was not expected: the tension erupted after a vote of confidence among all parts of society. " Today

sections of the Court of Rome, where on Thursday morning were held jobs are prohibited against the 23 arrested following clashes have made provisions for the immediate release of all protestors accept the request of the defense. Argumentative Mayor Gianni Alemanno " protest on behalf of the city of Rome to this decision, There is a deep sense of injustice because what has happened requiring a very different firm, not minimizing the seriousness of the facts that you give the right signal to counter the spread of political violence in our city while it is clear that these people have shown be subject to dangerous for the community .