Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Saggy Belly On My Kitten

UDC approve! The Cost of Freedom

The Senate approved the decree for the refinancing of the military missions are undertaken where Italian troops abroad, including and especially the one in Afghanistan. The votes came from the majority, with the support of the UDC were 180, while the rest of the opposition has chosen to abstain compact, seeing that the parliamentary dialogue with the proposed agenda was impossible, since the amendments were sent back to check the other room and the decree could be approved within the terms of legislation Sunday. The agendas, even after hearing the statements of Minister of Foreign Affairs, the latest attacks, two in 10 days, sustained by our troops in Afghan territory and the demands of the other members of the alliance in the area of \u200b\u200bwar, were directed to change weapons at the disposal of our troops.
The majority has rejected all such documents produced by 'opposition to a proposed exclusion from the Northern League.

The vote yesterday was also followed closely by NATO, through its secretary general, in the hope of maintaining the commitment so far in Afghanistan carried out by Italy and the U.S. State Department has advocated by the allies to increase military presence at gatherings''to limit or eliminate the " caveat in place, namely the geographical restrictions or intervention for the different national contingents. These last requests received a negative response from the government minister to voice D 'Alema stating that the rules of engagement are not available in our because it is a decision pertaining to the El Born ' UN, but promises in response to the many agendas proposed by the opposition that the government will need to the protection of Italian soldiers in Afghanistan on the basis of a technical report prepared by the Staff of the Armed Forces.
Overcoming this hurdle in the Senate now the question refers to the management of Italian troops abroad and relations with allies who are increasingly fed up with this situation of lack of clarity by the Italian Government approving the refinancing of missions, but chooses a line is always different for his involvement in the war scenarios, to take the combined forces of the radical left has always been against these peace missions and always decide on its own to solve problems that affect, however, often asking for support to other forces present, as including the release of the journalist of the Republic or with proposals for mediation with the Taliban.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

How To Lace A Double Uper Converse

After exactly 15 days Daniele Mastrogiacomo, a journalist of La Repubblica, was delivered Monday afternoon humanitarian organization Emergency hospital in Lashkar-gah in southern Afghanistan after being was in hand of bands of Taliban, said that as soon as he released during the phone call to his wife and his manager, kept him shackled for the entire prison and was forced to change continuously prison. Following this release, Prime Minister Prodi in a statement released by Prime Minister's office and thanked all those who contributed to the solution of the story starting with the Foreign Minister Massimo D'Alema , ambassador to Kabul Ettore Sequi, Admiral Bruno Branciforte, who led the operations of the Earthquakes, humanitarian organizations led by Gino Strada founder of Emergency and the Afghan government of Hamid Karzai and also highlights the serious attitude and cooperation of all political forces, without exception, which is crucial in showing the unity and determination of our country for the achievement of 'goal. The
Mullah Dadullah, the Taliban leader who controls the south of Afghanistan, said the hostage was returned to his country in exchange for the release of five Taliban prisoners, and delivered to "Italian officials" in the district Hazarijuft of the southern province of Helmand. Among the men released is his brother Mansoor Ahmad. The others are: Ustad Yasir, the Mufti Latifullah Hakimi (former spokesman of the Taliban) and the two commanders Hamdullah and Abdul Ghaffar.
The liberation of the journalist, however, reopen discussions on how to conduct in situations of crisis for Italian abductions of Italians in the war zones, as had happened with the "two simone" and "Sgrena," which differs from both other states participating in the NATO mission. The first point of this debate arises from the failure to grant Adjmal, Mastrogiacomo's Afghan interpreter, whose track was lost, and failure to deliver the body to the family of the driver, who was killed under the eyes of the journalist, as he himself said, sparked a protest outside the Emergency hospital by relatives and friends of the two Afghans, not to mention the arrest by Afghan security forces of the Ombudsman of Emergency, Rahamatullah Hanifi , Head of Human Resources the hospital in Lashkar Gah. The second point is the attack on Italian soldiers in less than 24 hours after Mastrogiacomo's release is a confirmation that the line of negotiation with terrorists, we have become a target, as stated Giorgio La Malfa (Party Italian Republican) backed by the opposition, adding that this attack confirms the approach zone of active combat in Herat had announced as many experts and foreign policy of military tactics in the past days. On this subject Benedetto Della Vedova president of the Italian Reformers said that the Italian foreign policy can not be nor appear neutral or 'equivicina' to the demands of the Taliban factions and the needs of the Karzai government. In a word, the government's foreign policy, and then Italy can not be that of Gino Strada and that we must provide, at short notice, our troops in Afghanistan to weapons of active defense and not continue to hide behind fake pacifism put forward by radical left.