Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Pink Spot On Dog Lower Lip

Il Grillo Parlante

Two days after V-day ( Fuck Day) which took place in some squares in Italy proposed by Beppe Grillo in support of manifesto for a Clean Parliament "proposing a law initiative Popular summarized in three points: in the ineligibility of Parliament who have been convicted or awaiting trial, it is impossible to be elected for more than two terms, the direct election of candidates by citizens.
What has once again shown that the character Beppe Grillo is undoubtedly unique. A comic actor who is ashamed of, rather than laugh, and not states, but is convinced of what he says, managing to collect 300 000 signatures and that fails as a new "guru" mobilize the crowd, as if not more of the union and certainly much more of the many small parties and parties that are springing up in our fragmented policy framework.
The comments of the political class are not late and have created a new rift between the cross somehow clarified by some as the Minister for Infrastructure Minister Antonio Di Pietro who stated, "Today I removed his jacket as a minister and I put that as a citizen because I feel the need to support an initiative that is a bill of popular initiative, so that Parliament is rocked by a wave of direct democracy and understands that it can not continue to do dumb "or the leader of the Greens in the House Angelo Bonelli saying" The policy of incorporating the instances of V-Day, the mobilization organized by Beppe Grillo is a very important event that helps a process of moralization of political and public life of our country. "While more cautious, the Economic Development Minister Pierluigi Bersani said" Sure, you think, there was so many people. But I would suggest one thing: if there is a fever, let's not blame the thermometer.
the few dissenting voices such as the UDC leader Pier Ferdinando Casini , who said that the V-Day "was the largest of the misinformation. A demonstration of why we should be ashamed "disputing about a video, transmitted in the event of Bologna, where Grillo attacked the so-called "Biagi law", named after the labor law killed by the Red Brigades in Bologna.