Monday, November 19, 2007

Referred Shoulder Pain Cold Drinks

The Freedom Party

Milan, 18 Nov. to a few weeks of the baptism of the Democratic Party by its leader Walter Veltroni, who already has considerable criticism and defections by members of the parliamentary groups that make up the olive and the parties supporting the current government presided by Romano Prodi, who thought they could make their contribution This new political entity, even in the center right are preparing new projects, especially around Silvio Berlusconi.

After the financial has passed for now the rock the vote in the Senate (the finance company will also be discussed and approved changes in the room and returned to the Senate for final approval), Berlusconi, with the support of the Freedom Circles volcanic Brambilla banquets across the country to collect signatures for a petition to be sent to President Napolitano to demand the resignation of the government. The Knight will present the result this afternoon during a press conference to explain the second step, the convening of the Assembly constituent of the new party to be born from the ashes of Forza Italy, yesterday announced that after early estimates were collected seven million signatures in three days. If the center has simplified the policy framework, with the two major forces, Berlusconi is convinced he can do the same with the new People's Party.