Friday, January 25, 2008

Kitchen Aid Blender Wrench

The Fall of 'The Great Roman Empire

Rome January 24 The Senate denies trust the government: 161 votes against, 156 in favor and one abstention. The diniani Mastella and decisive in the fall of the executive. It happens after three days in which Prime Minister Romano Prodi has tenaciously maintained its decision to parliamentarised the crisis, but then voting against the crisis has opened formally resigning the office into the hands of the Head of State. Napolitano, observing the ritual formula, has provisionally accepted the resignation of Prime Minister because his first duty is to verify whether the conditions exist for rejecting the resignation and return the prime minister resigned to the test of confidence to the Chambers. Prodi will thus remain in office for the "day administration of the". Quirinale now already initiated consultations with political forces and, starting meeting, Marini and Bertinotti , residents of both houses of parliament who have been denied the availability of leading a caretaker government had already declared as the premier dimissonario, and to follow the parliamentary groups and party leaders (also Veltroni, president of PD, in closing, the president emeritus of the Republic.

The two most reliable hypothesis to overcome this crisis is a government technical or institutional or early elections. The forces of the center-right have long declared that the only possibility is the return to the polls, because every other case would be a desire to keep alive a term that has long been dead. This hypothesis sees favorable as well as some "little people" of the center-left, including Di Pietro (Italy of Values).

The center-right leader Silvio Berlusconi has been declared "No more room for dialogue with Veltroni. There is an electoral law in force that is a good law and from which, in one month, would remove the anomaly of the majority of the premium to be bringing the regional prize of the national majority. "

In response to this has come a statement Walter Veltroni, leader of the Democratic Party, agreed with Romano Prodi "Going to the polls right now would throw the country into a crisis, the results of stability desired, and it's time to take responsibility and decide if you want to contribute to the writing of a new electoral law and a new institutional framework. "

unanimous chorus from the compact and the center right and that the only voice of secluded Pier Ferdinando Casini, leader of the UDC states that "We are very pleased with the fall of the Prodi government, for which we worked in Parliament with seriousness' and determination. But today is not 'the time to toast champagne' cause Italy and 'edge of the abyss and families expect us not to celebrate but to help solve their problems. "

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Air Cast Affter Surgery


Rome, Jan. 17. The argument for non-visit of Pope Benedict XVI the first university in the capital La Sapienza held national news on the front bench, and some international , obscuring other hot topics these days: Election and Referendum Law, Campania-waste issue, abortion law reform, Minister resigns Justice Mastella.

The President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano , expressed his regret in a letter to the Pope Many media have decided to publish the speech that Benedict XVI would have delivered at the opening of the academic year of La Wisdom.

Rome mayor, Walter Veltroni , and leader of the newborn PD said "This' and that 'success, a Democrat, and' unacceptable '. The Guarini Rector, sponsor invitation to the Holy Father added, "are not acceptable ideological vetoes of any kind and everyone should have the space and respect, whatever their views."

In response to these allegations, Marcello Cini, a professor emeritus of La Sapienza University, which had sent a letter to the Chancellor on the issue, not considered in line with a "rite lay" like the opening of 'Academic Year, the Pope's presence, said: "The prosecution did not want to talk about the Pope is unfounded."

Stephen Zarlenga, the Network of Self-training, a spokesman for the collective inter-group student left, stopped by police outside the gates of the university added, "What students without opening? The dissent has failed to enter while the right and the religious fundamentalism of Militia Christi. If so, we are happy to be the minority. We have seen what the real violence that the police service to the Democratic Party and the government. We also ask the immediate resignation of the rector Guarini "

the opposite direction in favor of Ratzinger, the boys of Communion and Liberation, which were allowed in, you are gagged to protest against those who did not want the pope to Wisdom; Action University was also present, which had been let in too, and has demanded the resignation of Guarini and Mussi.

In the evening, comes the announcement of the Rector Renato Guarini, 'forward' a new invitation to the Pope, this interpretation of the wishes of the majority of the academic community of the University La Sapienza. "