Friday, July 11, 2008

How To Do Urethral Play

The "Master" stick his students

" Disaster " this is the word that sums up the thought of Nanni Moretti , neo awarded the Master of Cinema to comment on what happened last Sunday in Piazza Navona, during the event organized by ' Mr Di Pietro . The ideological father and first guide in 2002, the roundabouts against Berlusconi does not forgive the "organizers irresponsible" to have "messy and" obscured with assistance of Grillo and Guzzanti objectives of the event and even the movements of the 2002 season , we did not anti-politics and policy. We were associations of persons born outside the party but wanted to send a delegation to the Left parties who were still under the shock of the defeat of May 2001 "He adds," We should not make excuses or alibis in the speed with which in recent weeks has moved or not moved the Democratic Party, Veltroni I would not give advice, I would rather underline how the left is going through a period of rather intense self-destructiveness. "
Italy which was in Piazza Navona, was Italy's best and enlightened nobles who follow the lessons Umberto Eco declares that it does not matter The popular vote does not mean that the majority is right or who shouted after the scandal about the cultural barbarism of the country applauded a Sabina Guzzanti which speaks of "women who give away, shouting" you can not put the Equal Opportunities because she sucked a bird, "and decreed that the future of the Pope" hell, fought over by two devils frocissimi and very active, not passivissimi. To join in the expressions of Moni Ovadia shouting "fascists, genocidal, racist, murderers, criminals, shot by partisans," Flores instead complains that "they stole the votes of Italians," Camilleri believed to make people laugh with jokes like "the moral of Berlusconi has more holes than a sieve."