Sunday, November 9, 2008

Will My North Face Jacket Shrink In The Wash

Obama: Young, Beautiful and Tanned ....

The newly elected president of the United States is young, handsome and tanned, and the Russian Federation President Dmitry Medvedev should have no problem to have sex with him. They are the first statements of the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi during the press conference after the bilateral Russia-Italy, about the victory of Barack Hussein Obama .
The statements of Prime Minister, however, have raised many controversies in the Italian political world and were taken by the international press.
The PD leader Walter Veltroni in a statement called for an official apology, arguing that " expressions used by Berlusconi against the President of the United States seriously affect the image and dignity of our country on the international stage and risk cause a rift in the relations of friendship with that country ", while Antonio Di Pietro get to vent the return of the Ku Klux Klan.
response surprised the Premier said "It was a joke cuteness and also spirits and counterattacks by assigning the "degree of fool" who, like the Democratic Party, fired a zero on that his "tan" addressed to the president-elect of the United States of America by adding " not imagine what it is that were so stupid to be self-declared publicly. They did, they already knew, but did not think were so stupid .
For the international press such as the Daily Mail and Times opens its online edition with the article: 'Insulting to Obama Berlusconi faced with racism storm "," Berlusconi, a former singer Cruise, wearing a tan constant is famous for its often inappropriate jokes, "writes the conservative Daily Telegraph indication of the replica with a lot of 'idiot' given that the opposition has asked the premier to apologize to Barack Obama. But
Giuliano Ferrara, the weekly Panorama, provides a clue interesting that explains why these gaffes or these allegations end up playing into the hands of Italy at international level. explaining " Berlusconi, to customize the strength of foreign policy, and to treat it in terms of friendship and good humor, had brought the prestige of the dignified nation in the wrong dell'insensatezza " adding "In Europe, where well Berlusconi has made mistakes, but never lose touch with the deep currents of the policy set up in Brussels, Paris, Berlin and London. The battle with Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schröder, even symbolically set in the famous proamericana letter of eight, an axis that joins the Rome-London-Madrid-Warsaw on the eve of the war in Iraq, Berlusconi has won. He is in power, its function is relevant in the questions posed by the global financial crisis, and has a pivotal role and witness the moment of transition between the ruling classes and generations, now in place "