Wednesday, February 18, 2009

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's Getaway Walter

Rome, 17 Feb. "I did my best, I have tried hard, but it was not enough. I apologize for that, "With these words, Walter Veltroni, now former leader of the Democratic Party, born only 18 months ago he resigned after yet another electoral debacle. Always suited to the majority and with the dream of emulating the American president Obama with a big party place of diversity, with greater solidarity and team spirit, personalities and overcoming divisions and turning left salon, executioner, pessimistic and conservative essentially a center-left conservative but innovative, not drawing-room but able to retrieve the correct relationship with the real life of citizens.
Meanwhile, the spokesman for the Democratic Party Andrea Orlando announced the next steps of the party. "The coordination has decided to run to the statutory requirements and, therefore, to convene the constituent assembly on Saturday, or who will elect a new secretary, or open the path to Congress, as required by statute. "
Farewell Veltroni political left in the bewilderment of all PD members including Ermete Realacci that I made him speak out like this, "Walter so we leave it to soak, we say to all those that are given by do and we have believed? ". Displeased also appears Gentiloni , one that the Democratic Party believed it and now sees the creature falter, "Veltroni was not a potential leader of the Democratic Party, for its was the only incarnation of this party. His resignation is very serious because they jeopardize the entire project.

Friday, February 6, 2009

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Challenge for Eluana

Rome, 06 Feb 09. "Come on, we are right" these are the words with which the Premier Silvio Berlusconi , opens the press conference dedicated to the Decree " Englaro . The Council of Ministers approved after a unanimous decree that inpediscie withdrawal of nutrition and hydration, pending adoption of a framework to regulate organic challenge the Quirinale. The prime minister decides to ignore the fact the letter sent today by Giorgio Napolitano, who expressed his opposition to the decree and warned of the fact that he would not countersigned it unconstitutional, and with His ministers, however, gives the green light to the issue. The Premier said that the decree is necessary because Eluana is "a person living, breathing on their own, whose brain cells are alive and also send electrical signals. A person may also have a son." Eluana is "in a vegetative state which may also vary, as we have seen several times", adding "I do not want to feel responsible for a failure to rescue a person in danger of life." It then warns, "If the Head of State decides to bear the responsibility of a life, and considered not to sign the decree to invite Parliament to meet to approve horas in 2-3 days and a bill that advances the law already examined by Parliament, which contains this rule. "One major institutional rudeness towards the two Houses and their chairmen and a challenge in respect of the Hill.
The opposition is in favor of compact formation of the Hill." launching Eluana this decree on the Government has exceeded all limits, and any institutional limitation with respect to its field. It is a challenge to Parliament, the judiciary, the Constitutional Court, the presidency, public opinion '
Livia Turkish , MP of PD, to protest the undemocratic signal of the head of government with the decision not to hear the voice of the head of state. Italy has tones of values \u200b\u200beven more defining strong "action by the fascist government" while Diliberto says, "We are at the State copo" But the chairman of the House Gianfranco Since the said he was "deeply concerned about the CDM's not the Hill."
The Vatican welcomes government's decision to instead "Eluana is alive" has the right to live "and" the coun policy needs to support his life with the means that we are, "said Monsignor Elio Sgreccia , president emeritus of the Pontifical Academy for Life. According to the Holy See there is "a power of doctors and the political community" that has the means as "rules and laws." These "have the duty to support the woman "who is" a weak creature to be protected "through" nutrition and hydration. "
Professor Vittorio Angiolini , Englaro family lawyer, has assured that the suspension of artificial hydration and nutrition, which began yesterday, "will go ahead because a law is not countersigned by the President of the Republic has no value. So we are talking about something which may not have any effect on what is happening at the home of The Quiet Udine.

This is the letter of President Giorgio Napolitano that illustrates the decision not to sign DL