Sunday, April 5, 2009

Six Arrows I Spy Ultimate

The Emperor and the Silvio Missionaries of Liberty

It was concluded the constituent congress of the Freedom Party , with the president's speech Silvio Berlusconi after Giorgia Meloni the invited audience of delegates to raise their badget unanimously to proclaim the election of the Knight, "the only nomination received.
Berlusconi has started talking to the self-praise" lucid madness ", also conferred on him by Gianfranco Since the , who has "brought here", repeating some passages of his speech of 1994 delegates could follow parchment in a brochure distributed throughout the room. In his speech, thrilling all those present, who have interrupted the speech many times chanting the name "Silvio, Silvio" and warm applause that close in an embrace the ideal leader, recalled the positive actions of its government by also dismostrate ' continuous increase of the votes.
then focused on the changes it proposes to implement in the field of parliamentary rules and amendments to the Constitution in order to improve efficiency and recovery of the entire nation.
Berlusconi announced that will be a candidate in elections to renew the European Parliament and challenge the secretary of the Pd Franceschini to do the same, declaring that a true leader must summon their people at every election.
finally ends with his speech called on stage the members of the Bureau of ministers, governors, mayors, presidents and vice presidents, wishing "Featured Women" and naming everyone as "Missionaries of Liberty"