Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How Long Does It Take An Ice Cube To Freeze?

The Great Escape

Two days after the primary statement of Pier Luigi Bersani (with more than 53% of the vote, which follows that of congressini of party members) who have crowned the Secretary of the Democratic Party, not missing the first shake within the same party. What you could show how a single element, the announcement of Francesco Rutelli "I will go with Casini, though not immediately and not alone," are the two leaders in the House and Senate, Antonello Soro and Anna Finocchiaro, to play the card of the resignation. Meanwhile, the last leader of the daisy best explains why he farewell: "You have to start a different way, with people who have different cultures, and makes no reference to Italy's resentment, the response to economic crisis and the division of the country can not simply say that one side is the right and the other a center that basically goes through the streets of the past. "

The left and then again from the connection-D'Alema Bersani, the real strategist of his success reversing the ideal of Veltroni's party for the new center-left that with this vote which brings to the leadership of the party area Former PCI-PDS-DS and a return to the old Olive, so dear to Prodi, who is increasingly pointer as party chairman. Then again idea of \u200b\u200ba grand coalition (antiberlusconiana) allied with the left area, cut off by Veltroni and by lawmakers, which he believed would still be merged into his party.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Lcd Tv Light Bleeding In Corners

Praise to Lodi! The Martyrs of Liberty

Rome, 7 October - The Constitutional Court has declared unconstitutional, the Lodo Alfano , formally known as the "Provisions on the suspension of criminal proceedings against senior State "(Law 124/2008). presented by Justice Minister Angelino Alfano and approved by the Council of Ministers of the Government Berlusconi IV on June 26, 2008 "with the objective the absolute need to protect the continuity and regularity of the highest public office. "
According to the Constitutional Court of the Alfano Bill violates two provisions of the Constitution, Article 138 - the obligation to have recourse to a constitutional law (and ordinary) for an injunction to suspend the process for the four highest offices of State - and Article 3, which establishes the principle of equality of all citizens before the law.

The first comment on this decision is up to the Speaker of the PDL, Danele Capezzone states that "The ruling by the Constitutional Court has just ruled raise up 'a lot of discussion and some controversy. But there' a politician who should be immediately confirmed with absolute clarity: for political and electoral matters, to decide who should govern and who should be in opposition, the only judge and 'the electorate, the sovereign people. "

Now the Premier said, "This consultation is' a body of assets but a political body," stressing "we go forward. We have to govern for five years with or without the Ruling. I never believed 'cause a Constitutional Court with 11 judges on the left, with a new president on the same side that it was impossible to approve this. "

" It' s a ruling that surprised, and not a little, 's invocation of Article 138 of the Constitution. The Court Constitutional say today what 'that could and, inevitably, have said already' in 2004 in the only pre-existing ". Guardasiginlli says, Angelino Alfano, the opposition

Piero Fassino said ' 'I hope now that Berlusconi and the right-wing majority is finally set aside the conspiracy theory and overridden by the knowledge that the Constitutional Court's respect each other. On the other hand, Berlusconi has every chance' to plead his case in court free not to observe laws that was highlighted in the Consultation should be equal for all citizens.''

are still many interventions including Ignazio Marino, the Democratic Party candidate for the office that says "Berlusconi remains in place and will face judge in court as all Italian citizens. The decision of the Review and 'so' clear leaving no doubts."

Sunday, October 4, 2009

How To Change Your Oovoo Thing To The Cat


In this period the technique of filet for me is the most relaxing and rewarding to be there!
this is a small strip that bridges the network in its simplicity has always been a great visual effect!