Friday, November 19, 2010

Is Incest Happens In Real Life

Per te ... Credo che il

** TQ **

Monday, November 15, 2010

Connecting An External Hard Drive To A Sony Tv

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Lately is fashion.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Cream To Heal Broken Capillaries


So ... I begin with the "Relay of Friendship," by Alice passatami *** (thanks Alice!), which, based on an idea of \u200b\u200bContra, was created with the intent to "know better, or learn something here not 'told' cause when we do not yet know existed. " Voilà (questions and) my answers:

  • When the teachers and the Professor, and relatives asked us little ", and you? What would you like to be?" What did you say? What have you dreamed of doing over and over again? How many jobs? How many dreams?
As someone I know would say, "Too many there are!" : O) cmq stages "highlights" were: the hairdresser, the nurse, the volleyball player, a teacher, doctor, philosopher, and electronic igegnere ... then eventually won the medical o)
  • What were your favorite cartoons as a child? Which games you enjoy? With dolls or cook with earth and rocks, the perfect lunch for your friends or anything?
Cartons: Mila Shiro, Kiss me Licia, Magica Emy, and then the wonderful classic Tom and Jerry, Tweety and Sylvester, Will Coyote and Road Runner (hehehe I still love these!)
Games: Lego (grandiosi!), the ball (to play volleyball, or ball prisoner with other children), bicycles, roller skates my legendary (when they were not yet online), Camilla my doll, my poor cat (but has not suffered too much thing, since he died only last year to 17 years).
  • What was your most beautiful birthday and why?
Mmmhhh ... I would say 17 º, 21 º and the last ...
The 17th (may sound crazy) because I was hospitalized for months in a clinic for eating disorders, and for the birthday they made me go on leave ... with a special friend with whom I shared a terrible time and other beautiful ... In short, we went into town, we had a great time, I have made the purple and pink streaks, the third ear hole and the return we messed up at midnight at the clinic. The 21 º
I spent with my parents ... no party amazing, no invitations, just my family ... and one day I was happy to be with them.
Last ... the twenty-eighth (oh old mother who I am ...) I spent with my love ... and it was wonderful. I was congratulated with a kiss at midnight, and then It was a day of relaxation, pampering and laughter. (I know ... read nandi, TQT!)
  • What are the things that you absolutely do not have yet?
graduate, beginning with the specialty, having a baby, living in Spain. The last thing ultimately falters, the child ... I know that is impossible, however, oh well. I write the same.
  • What was your first sporting passion or not? Before
sporting passion: basketball. Non-sports: a clear reading, and then the origami.
  • What was the first musical idol?
Hahaha now I'll laugh ... Roberto Vecchioni, followed by Claudio Baglioni, the Cranberries and Alanis Morissette.
  • The best thing requested (and if received) from Saint Lucia or ChristmasHamper? The
Sapientino to eight years, and my cat to 10 (that is, he got kind in July, but officially it was the Christmas present early or late No one has ever understood).

Well, I ended questions ... I just have to turn it ... hoping that meets qualuno o)
Then, rolling past a:

The Flower of Evil
Mari (with special thanks ... one day I'll explain why)

It is missing two, so anyone who reads and is interested in participating feel free to do so: o)
The rules are: to respond to questions (if you want ), and relay them to 10 people (if you find them), links on the blog page (Minerva six exonerated by linkage). Oh, and stick the figurine purple (this:)

which is the "logo" qs relay. I think it's everything.

Speaking topic: for a change have gone a bit 'Cause I was fine, a little' because then I was better. Disastrous period (from the point of view food), but enlightened by the presence of this wonderful person ... then after he started to go better with food, and more everything else. Now go "pretty well", I was in Rome a lot of time in Barcelona four days (and I did the swim in November, in shirt and pants ... hahaha that laugh, the water was cold ..) , I ate paella and Lindor, pasta rice bread biscuits, lots of vegetables, yogurt, actually a bit 'of everything without making noise.
Today I came back, but with a lot of happy nostalgia ... and I have to start studying.

I go to sleep now - I made a promise, I must be to bed in 20 minutes .. . Goodnight all