Saturday, July 21, 2007

Printable Whist Score Sheet

The steps of the staircase instead ...

Rome, July 20. The Council of Ministers in late morning gave "unanimous" go-ahead for the planting of the proposal on pensions. After the previous night passed for eight hours sitting at a table of Palazzo Chigi, in addition to Premier, Ministers Padoa-Schioppa and Ferrero, and the Secretary read unions Confederate general and secretaries . But the question
does not seem at all close to the government that exceed the criticism came from the radical left with Jordan, secretary of the PRC rating political will for the Budget, we aim to modify the agreement with social events and a parliamentary battle: Placed on Finance is a real possibility to intervene on this ground. "which is queued even Diliberto, secretary of the PDCI ," From our point of view, the disappointment is great. We expected a different policy for a center-left government would be always on the side of workers, and instead raise the retirement age. But the battle now continues in society and in parliament. "

also negative comment from the secretary of SDI Boselli . "This is a mediocre agreement because it foreshadows a real redistribution of social expenditure between the generations and there is no gradual equalization of retirement ages for men and women and reforming the welfare state, which was really what the country would need. "
Even by the center are raised voices of dissent "and 'wicked an agreement to give the younger generation which is in sharp contrast with what happens in the rest of Europe," says Urso (AN). A plus Berlusconi, leader of Forza Italy, "I think this is nonsense since the reform and continuity of the work, increase related to the conditions of a better quality of life, except for doing strenuous work."

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Conditioner Causing Hair Loss

The PD Walter

Turin, June 27: Walter Veltroni, current Mayor of Rome, decided to run for leader of the newly formed Italian politics, Democratic Party, after invitations and lusighe of Prodi, Fassino Rutelli. The choice of Turin and the ingot is widespread and justified by the fact that just to the north, the government and the parties that support him have had a greater loss of administrative support during the last consultation and then the ingot is representing the old Fiat factory that combines the Italian industry that wants to emerge and its workers who have recently been disappointed by the left.
Many points have been touched by the mayor Capitoline, starting by saying that the Democratic Party who will be born with the primary elections next October 14th will be the party of the new millennium, against all the conservatism of the right and left. "
During his speech, he thanked Prime Minister Prodi and the leaders of the two major parties (DS and Margherita) and for now they have already committed to the establishment of this new political reality that must be seen as an evolution of the Union and the Olive Tree, as desired by Romano Prodi, which promises full, consistent and firm support to the Government's proposals. Veltroni said that "In Italy there is always a background, but the truth is that if the Prodi government would go in trouble at the prospect of the Democratic Party would be greatly compromised."
The mayor of Rome wanted to give an opinion on the previous government. "Berlusconi - said Veltroni - has done wrong things but also things like the law on the right and the savings on road safety. There were also reasonable things in constitutional law. Other things I made were unacceptable. " Four themes cited: the environment (less tax to those who observe more taxes on polluters, not too much so far about the cycle of waste), the generational pact (with a strong support to the Prodi government that is trying to mediate in these hours on pensions and to eliminate the staircase), the tax burden (over the next three years we must make possible lower taxes overall, the financial returns the favor reiterated the harmonization of tax rates already discounted by financial markets) and security (who is in Italy to pay their illegal crimes must and we want more police on the street ). But Veltroni has decided to launch an appeal to the political world knows why reform; condemned "those who indicate qualunquisticamente politics as an enemy" and pointed that "politics should be opposed net programs," opposition but must have a clear line where they begin, "sobriety and respect for the people."

It also sets the program's planning a tour in many Italian cities, during which time each will deal with 'a different theme: the Italian tax system of Padua generational pact and the fight against insecurity in Milan the relationship between women, the workplace, politics and institutions in Palermo.
Following this presentation by Veltroni, who has already registered the support of most Democrats and Margaret many statements were made including that of Pier Luigi Bersani , current Minister of Economic DEVELOPING, long credited with the support of Enrico Letta, as a competitor to the chair of the Democratic Party Leader - "I am very convinced that it takes a bit 'of thought, discussion of the path we have to do. I see that everything is reduced to mechanisms of candidates, lists or anything, but I did not head in this kind of problem - I think we need to do a party for decades to come. When there are rules defined, we'll see. "
Other statements came from the leader of Democratic Left, Fabio Mussi "Of course I welcomed the candidacy of Walter, since so far the project of the Democratic Party was a ship that ran into the rocks. Perhaps he can avoid the wreck, which I hope I'm not sure, but this does not change my opinion on that adventure politics: the Democratic Party is not and will not be my party. I will not take it and never will vote, with regard to what red PDCI, PRC and the Greens, I do not think in biblical times, and I expect a ride along with "administrative next year, otherwise the project would fail"