Saturday, July 21, 2007

Printable Whist Score Sheet

The steps of the staircase instead ...

Rome, July 20. The Council of Ministers in late morning gave "unanimous" go-ahead for the planting of the proposal on pensions. After the previous night passed for eight hours sitting at a table of Palazzo Chigi, in addition to Premier, Ministers Padoa-Schioppa and Ferrero, and the Secretary read unions Confederate general and secretaries . But the question
does not seem at all close to the government that exceed the criticism came from the radical left with Jordan, secretary of the PRC rating political will for the Budget, we aim to modify the agreement with social events and a parliamentary battle: Placed on Finance is a real possibility to intervene on this ground. "which is queued even Diliberto, secretary of the PDCI ," From our point of view, the disappointment is great. We expected a different policy for a center-left government would be always on the side of workers, and instead raise the retirement age. But the battle now continues in society and in parliament. "

also negative comment from the secretary of SDI Boselli . "This is a mediocre agreement because it foreshadows a real redistribution of social expenditure between the generations and there is no gradual equalization of retirement ages for men and women and reforming the welfare state, which was really what the country would need. "
Even by the center are raised voices of dissent "and 'wicked an agreement to give the younger generation which is in sharp contrast with what happens in the rest of Europe," says Urso (AN). A plus Berlusconi, leader of Forza Italy, "I think this is nonsense since the reform and continuity of the work, increase related to the conditions of a better quality of life, except for doing strenuous work."


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