Friday, April 23, 2010

Dragon Ball Z Boobs Episodes

the opponent!

Rome, April 22 - Gianfranco Fini, president of the Chamber of Deputies and co-founder of PDL, reveals the first and strongest opponent of the Prime Minister.
During the meeting of the Directorate-General of the party, Fini publicly innagurato domestic opposition, leading the ranks of dell'assise 12 members who voted against the final document where there was a condemnation of criticism of the Leader and the formation of internal factions, even if they promise loyalty and support to the government.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Snowboarding Takes Muscle

settimana "Magre da morire"

2008 book, written by Albina Perri, journalist Milan ... that it might be best limited to the journalism, instead of crap shoot in bursts.
I bought the book today, I've already read half and going ahead just to see how it ends (and why reading my OCD is felt: I just can not let go of a book in the middle ..). Anyway: what I've read so far is terrific. Yes, awesome: it consists largely of quotations from pro-ana blog, and removed some that might very well come from our blog, the others being the worst is in the network, and honestly seem written by people with psychotic disorders schizoid schizotypal-serious, with more than DCA. However
. Apart from the fact that, for me, post some stuff (which is the best word to describe me is x) is just one highlight something that is likely to do damage to persons "set", and arouse disgust-revulsion, derision toward the DCA in people "sane" ... Apart from that, I said, I did not just upset that it breaks the phenomenon of "pro-ana" (which obviously has no intention to deny) for Anorexia-Bulimia: I've read so much online, but it believes that remain to be anorexic and be pro-ana are different things, sometimes (few) overlapping, but one thing is for sure: when you get to weigh 30 kg, admitted that when you spend more time at home yours, when you're really sick, you do not even go to the hall of the brain to write that what kills you is your "goddess" ... ie, dick, please explain how do you say "My Goddess Ana" ...

Oh well, I was always so warm it up this point, however, regarding the book: I feel offended to read that you idolize anorexia "Ana", be part of a cult, being "pussies and fashioned , (x and everything done for investigation rather than for what it is, a bunch of seasoned copy-paste from websites with the worst cliches and platitudes) ... hell, we will also be sick, but not deficient, I would say that on average are pretty smart, and feel the pain is "pain" but "faith in Ana ..
... well, I think it'll sell as used qs book after reading it, at least get some 'of X includes a waste of money.

Friday, April 9, 2010

How Long Can You Have Trichimonisis

In the medieval university was not possible to take medicine, canon law, or any other option without having attended the first courses in culture general who taught the 'essential , or a vision of man in its relations with other men. One way of conceiving this study, very modern and for nothing obscurantist as you might expect from those times.
The curricula were common, the students did not belong to a single university, they could take courses in all universities exist, and then often follow the lessons of the best teachers moved from one location to another facing endless trips on foot or horseback. This is the model of the universe that has probably inspired and enabled the creation of European culture. And this model probably thought the founders the most successful program of international mobility in Europe.
programs of international cooperation between universities of the first project is called Erasmus
JSP (Joint Study Programs or joint study) and were interdepartmental agreements for the exchange of students, often based on the goodwill of enlightened teachers. From 1976 to 1984 the European Commission is supporting JSP 409 and the Italian universities are involved in many as 73 projects, with a weight percentage of 18%.
Initially, the program did not provide the actual institutional contracts that we have today but simply agreements between universities and JSP are very similar to those recorded by the inter-university programs Cooperation called PIC.
Given that even at the institutional level there was not much information about it, the teachers usually dismiss the students start with a little reassuring, "go and let us know what it is!", Then were the brave pioneers of the Erasmus who paved the way for millions of children in the years to follow.