Saturday, July 31, 2010

Vlc Player Can't Play Mkv

Freedom and Future ......

Rome, July 30 The birth of the parliamentary group, consisting of 33 Finian, Future and Freedom for Italy, "states the official break even on the political relationship between the two co-founder of the Freedom Party. The members of this new splinter group, however, promise to remain faithful to the commitments made to voters to support the government seems not to risk any crisis and consequent early elections.

After the press conference Fini, in response to amendment of the coordination of the party during which the premier had said that the president of the chamber had to leave the bench top of Deputies no longer suitable and compatible with this role, the co-founder of PDL had noted that his office did not depend on the choices of the Premier and that he represented the whole parliamentary period.

In defense of this last statement had also deployed members of the opposition.

The Premier met with his most loyal staff is evaluating the numbers and how to retrieve any new votes in support of the PDL between the members of the UDC of Casini, API Rutelli and MPA Lombardo, expanding and changing the government structure purged by the followers of Fini.

not feasible at present, the decision to go to the polls even after the declaration of President Napolitano the top of the PD, who remember the importance of maintaining continuity institutional life in the interest of the nation. Not to mention the location, can often declared, in opposition to this hypothesis by the league that gives prominence to the approval of decrees covered the federalism.

Berlusconi, trusting of his most loyal collaborators, tried to break with the President direct the room after he had made you know that the first polls after hot announcement of the formation of this new parliamentary group gave a consistency ranging between 1-3%, so irrelevant to the government and future elections.

At the end of the evening, but other polls have come out where this new band led by Purposes, it might be confirmed with a more usual 10%, this would push the prime minister seeking new allies and early elections by "October", not to give enough time to organize the territory of Finian.

Another hypothesis that more and more steps forward and a transitional government led by Tremonti with support of the League, and Fini part of the opposition, they would do everything possible to delegitimize the current prime minister, and would reduce the follow the wishes of the President of the Republic.

Friday, July 23, 2010

How To Make Hummus On A Kitchenaid

VJ artists missed! Tips from emigrant

reading the news today that the last survivor of the lineage of vj, recycled from the last opinion of Xfactor, Charles Shepherd decided to start a career as a singer, I went to review some video of other former VJ who before him had already tried the path of star! as rightly said a music blog I read often: it may be that spending too long in the midst of crap music to spur them to reproduce it unconsciously, or simply are tired of being on the other side microphone dl interviewing people to grow old without talent. but unfortunately realize that people around you do not have the talent does not automatically offer you gifts that you have not ... otherwise all the critics would be artists!
and traces the path of these poor victims of the failure of MTV's I noticed how the fashion styles of music have changed and how despite all the old and new VJs have been a mirror of youth fashions.
start for one of the pioneers who along with Andrea Pezzi (which after a few rays in the program that looked just me, it's definitely gone from TV) and Daniele Bossari (Mastrota heir of George, who can turn anything into a giant TV flop ) has been the face of music for TV excellence that came from the United States and that the Italians wanted at all costs to replace with VideoMusic guilty of not being quite cool!
he's Enrico Silvestrini, which has now finally given to the detective fiction (which requires 3 simple facial expressions: surprise, anger and sadness with the bonus of a tear or a colleague if he dies) after some Muccino attempt in cinema. in the world of music called himself SILV3RMAN and this is the video Battlefield

the video is not much of a girlfriend, a cross between the cartoons and those of Gorillaz 883. but to think of it perhaps Henry is almost better as a singer and actor! should try again ... who knows what time the grizzled has more success;)

The second I found in the depths of youtube vj belongs to the second generation, that of Cris & Cris, Mark Maccarini, Victoria Cabello, which the bottom has not been a time since the unfortunate person you show the video, I would say that currently has a good, well-paid seasonal work: specializes in cinepanettoni! you know who I'm talking about?! no, Pauline ... even before there was the legendary Nongiovane, who brought the ugliness on television and film. and this is his piece Orange, accompanied by his singing group, EDCs

as might be expected from him, a lot of video brit-vintage chorus and stupid (I'd like to be in NY but I'm in California) but quite catchphrase. and do not even have a voice so annoying as I expected. I can not understand how not to have smashed the charts. 100 thousand times if you really had to choose just one second that this piece of Lost or Broken heart college ... just do not understand how the world of music! (

Before total failure of the capital M tv (so to speak) there was a moment of confusion where some other TV VJ landed towards the more commercial, as if there was a presentiment of the fact that the music you were homogenized in a horrible can of worms by not opening at all. a symbol of the diaspora was Alessandro Cattelan who then resisted until the last breath gasps of MTV Italy and in 2006 took out this piece damage (along with other much better than him)

is a piece of pseudo-rap genre "bad" in Fabri Fibra seems to have then followed the exploits but with greater success. talks about the world of music and entertainment almost from the series "but where will it end," a symptom of a crisis that would leave him even with his ass on the floor!

last but not least, we kikka, who refused to accept his dismissal by MTV when they began to have a slight reputation and decided to become a music critic in a talent show in which he would probably have wanted to participate. I leave you with his video Siamese Smile jumble of platitudes typical of the last generation made in MTV, the piece of his group, wemen is not evil but definitely would come out better if he had not sung. in my opinion the worst performance among the 4 .... and there vuoleeeee!!
ps: and it says that a pastor had a soft spot for Charles when he was just the job! ; D

Monday, July 19, 2010

What Is Cytherea's Real Name

you very fond of traveling to many places: houses, streets, squares but also places where you spend your time having fun and usually by eating or drinking.
Since last year I did not stop a moment in the same place for more than 6 months I take this opportunity to draw up my personal list of interesting places around Europe where I lived ... then everyone can take inspiration for their holidays or experience abroad.

Starting from my hometown in Puglia, or the heel of Italy (as I always say to the English to explain where I come from) Trani to recommend "The tavern sounds " in vico maria ciardi near the port which is a nice place from the environment and although it is very light and no windows is quite welcoming. is family run and why you eat reasonably affordable and is the only place in town where you can find beer Cisk Maltese, which is one of the most famous, but for those who have some good memories of hot summer Malta can find to please. Also in Trani a bar a little more sophisticated and slightly from the alternative is the "Korova " in G. Bovio 151 near the main post office. Always popular with the people place during the winter season offers evenings djset quite unique, the only flaw is the tight space. For

Urbino, dell'UNESCU heritage city in the Marche, where I spent 4 years of my life, I would definitely recommend "the tavern of artsti " in Via Bramante 52 (not to be discouraged by the uphill ), restaurant and also a pizzeria, where the food is good and cheap, about a very very nice. degrees of attention to the periods in which one might find among the chaos of more than one party. After dinner, do not forget to head to the club " ACLI " that has absolutely nothing to do with the ' Catholic Action , only the name of the place but is run by guys who organized evenings of concerts, jam sessions and DJ sets that are the only way out to the discos. plus the place is very nice, away from annoying neighbors and a large garden enclosed by medieval walls.
A Bilbao I spent eight months that appeared 10 years, on the one hand I can not seem to essermene never the other way and I always hope to return. setbacks in the advice to those who also happen by accident (as is often the Italians in Spain who do not know the wonders of Pais Vasco), the " Antzokia Kafe" in Calle San Vicente 2, which is by far my favorite place. is a former theater (as indeed he says his name in the Basque language) now used as a bar-restaurant by day and a local concert hall, and often at night. stands on two floors with a spacious stage, the weekend is getting a little hard to get especially on late, but for those who appreciate the environment "rock" is a great opportunity for fun. the typical thing is that when the place is closing so they put together pieces traditional Basque people go home happier;)
Another local rock is quite the ' Azkena "ibanez in calle de Bilbao 26, narrower than the above, but more or less the same type of people. Finally, although I'm not a lover of the clubs I recommend you not go without a Saturday to " Fever" on a Santana 27 in Bolueta , a town near Bilbao, but easily reachable by subway (the Sabbath open all night) 1 or 2 direction Etxebarri . is a huge nightclub with several rooms in which to find all types of music, not to be unhappy with anyone!

A Malta I roam 4 months and I remember very well the delicious mojito's "Mojito Bar " at 138 Tower Road (Sliema), just under a very low hotel cost (Hotel Europe), overlooking the promenade in Sliema. In the evenings instead Paceville advice to those wishing to escape the light of the Maltese tamarraggine Saturday night or on the beach or the local bottellon " Coconut" in 17 Wilga Street (Paceville), which distungue a little from others rock music although sometimes too predictable!

Of my six months in Madrid we would have to talk a lot but I will try to summarize the evening low gloss short of advice. Not to be missed as a relaxing bar "El jardin secreto " on Calle de San Bernardino 22, near the Plaza de Espana. the decor is great attention to detail in style sprites of the forest and a variety of tea coffee and chocolate (more than starbucks ). attention to the prices quite high even by the standards of Madrid and crowding in certain times of the day you could wait for a table more than 30 minutes. For an aperitif in the area
Sol is full of places that offer 2x1 Madrid that given the prices were always handy. If you are looking for places to find foreigners increased from mega Irish pub " O'Connell" in calle y Mina 7 Espoz road where you have to be good at the slalom between pr of the premises with the their collection of flyer. For dinner
Madrid could drain the wallets then I recommend going to places less traditional and more low cost (for charity Mc'Donald or Burger King ... I do not want you to drink the poisoned before calimocho) as " Fresh "which is in various places but the most central is in a side street of Calle Arenal (near Sol) which with 10 € you can eat all you want and you can fill your plate as many times as you want. the series "a paradise for gluttons." or settle for a diet a little more monotonous and gobbling of montaditos (small sandwiches to 1 € about the size of a finger MONT-finger) from "100 montaditos " anywhere in Madrid, impossible not to find them, but perhaps the most central is on Calle Montera (famous for nothing but montaditos eheheheheh). After dinner
must see a local reign of Madrid nightlife: the "Sala Sol " on Calle de los Jardines 3, a side street of Calle Montera. a huge local open until 7 am on weekdays where you can find live performances over the weekend and usually puts on music, but very funky alternative. Entry is € 9 or 10 depending on time and usually must deal with a fairly consistent line, but rest assured it's worth it! Another round of local alternatives but rather more British style is in the area Tribunal, specifically on Calle de Velarde 18 and is called "La Via Lactea . but if you are in the area Huertas is a very nice room, whose name says it all: "I mother was a batch, " on Calle de santa Poland 5.

last stop (for now) is Malaga and here I can recommend a very good place to sample tapas from around the world, is called "Gato with botanical " Santiago on Calle 6, a small side street of Granada's most famous street. has just two tables outside and a little tight between two buildings but you can eat delicious and cheap things, especially for those who are vegetarian like me and in Spain has a problem with the tapas. I recommend the lid of Israel even though I did not understand what was inside eheheheh!
then if you want a pizza I recommend the best solution for money of all time: 2.90 € a pizza the size and thickness Italian, even if cooked by two Arabs " los 2 Calvos " in Frailes Calle (El area Elejido ). For dinner instead post my tips always fall on the rock and the British as "Long live rock " on Calle de Jose Denis Belgrano 19 and the "Velvet " in a side street of Calle Mendez Nunez. the two have a beautiful appearance from the outside but inside they are quite comfortable, certainly will be more when the anti-smoking will be applied! more late, always over there every day there is a place that gives live performances: the "ZZ Pub. The place
comuqnue where you go if you look for the real nightlife is a little square next to impossible to find by chance because hidden among the narrow streets of the historic Plaza Mitjana .

And here ends my tour this time;) I hope will be helpful!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hippie Stores In Michigan For Plus Size

4 luglio 2010

I talked so much these days ... with so many people ... I
I am often alone ... really wonderful people around me.
I think this should be a thank you ... because I also said very bad things, very "dark" ... I even said that "not worth it" ... and there was always someone there to listen, to try to understand [things totally incomprehensible.]
Those words of 12 years ago, are without hope "always carry within me .. and sometimes I feel like my ring ... But when the utter emptiness there to receive them ... there is no silence ...

THANKS to those who fill me with unconditional love

despite the disasters that combines
despite everything.

Value Of A 1901 1 Oz Fine Silver Walking Liberty

4 Luglio 1998

I woke up bad ... A nightmare that I do not remember me out to sleep tonight, I was left staring at the street lights chase each other on the wall until dawn, then I have worn back to sleep next to my sister in the bedroom of the hotel room to the sea ... hot despite the fan, but never mind, I just wanted to sleep.
When my sister has overtaken urlandomi it was late, and that if I did not move would not let me even a croissant for breakfast, I mumbled a "who cares" that has been lost in the sound of water in the sink.

empty room, I turn in the Latvia's huge. I do not want to sleep, I will not get up. I would like to recall what woke me up tonight ... there is something that scares me, I know that waiting for me out there ... I do not want to get out ... but I do not want to be here without knowing what it is. Ten years

after I talk about this with someone special ... Indeed, she speaks I listen, and when I say that maybe I understand what you mean, I know I believe in hard work.

Esco hotel to go to the beach, I start to walk the course. Around a bit 'in stores now know them by heart: the shrine after the ice cream, then toys, swimwear, the bazaar of postcards and souvenirs ... I stopped there as usual, tidying a bit 'out of place cards, spare the smile of the middle-aged woman looking at me from his chair behind the counter ... tidying up the objects around me always calms me down, and after a few minutes I go out and start walking again.

We arrive at the beach: I think I'll pass in the cabin to change clothes, because the costume I made today ... umbrella step to ask for the keys to mom, and she starts crying when she sees me.
not asking you the keys, do not ask anything: I woke up tonight, I watch in silence, the beat of my heart seems deafening.
"He called my father" - the deafening beat, I feel fatigue - "the newspaper said ..."
Handkerchief, silence ... heart deafening, newspaper ...
"Your S. ... is ... is ... oh God ..."
every day, take the newspaper, my mother does not want it away, the cry to leave me alone.

so I'm going, with the newspaper in hand, with my heart that covers the entire Yoke type, with children who laugh and cry but do not feel ... with the costume but without the keys in hand, I do not want the keys, I want nothing.

I read several times obituary, scroll all the newspaper, there is no other. No articles nor sidebars, no scandals, no gossip about that person that all defined as "fragile", "sick", "depressed" ...
She calls herself "hopeless", but perhaps the nostri15 years were too few to understand the meaning of "hopeless."
When I wrote I wrote for her, because she was reading ... I liked to see her smile when she read my themes.
I stopped writing after her.
"You give me the strength to go on" ... I felt proud and happy when he uttered these words.
But was not there, were not there when it happened ... we were not there when he took sleeping pills to numb ... were not there when he dropped ... there was none.

today that death is part of that study, now in training that I see people die, I know it's hard not to be alone when you die: you can have doctors and relatives, and friends and with around ... but at that moment nothing is really close.

So it is strange ... he was alone when he did there was no one ...
But even before she was alone ... and when he decided he had anyone, when he said he wanted to do and no one has figured ... not just died alone ... has been left alone.