Friday, July 23, 2010

How To Make Hummus On A Kitchenaid

VJ artists missed! Tips from emigrant

reading the news today that the last survivor of the lineage of vj, recycled from the last opinion of Xfactor, Charles Shepherd decided to start a career as a singer, I went to review some video of other former VJ who before him had already tried the path of star! as rightly said a music blog I read often: it may be that spending too long in the midst of crap music to spur them to reproduce it unconsciously, or simply are tired of being on the other side microphone dl interviewing people to grow old without talent. but unfortunately realize that people around you do not have the talent does not automatically offer you gifts that you have not ... otherwise all the critics would be artists!
and traces the path of these poor victims of the failure of MTV's I noticed how the fashion styles of music have changed and how despite all the old and new VJs have been a mirror of youth fashions.
start for one of the pioneers who along with Andrea Pezzi (which after a few rays in the program that looked just me, it's definitely gone from TV) and Daniele Bossari (Mastrota heir of George, who can turn anything into a giant TV flop ) has been the face of music for TV excellence that came from the United States and that the Italians wanted at all costs to replace with VideoMusic guilty of not being quite cool!
he's Enrico Silvestrini, which has now finally given to the detective fiction (which requires 3 simple facial expressions: surprise, anger and sadness with the bonus of a tear or a colleague if he dies) after some Muccino attempt in cinema. in the world of music called himself SILV3RMAN and this is the video Battlefield

the video is not much of a girlfriend, a cross between the cartoons and those of Gorillaz 883. but to think of it perhaps Henry is almost better as a singer and actor! should try again ... who knows what time the grizzled has more success;)

The second I found in the depths of youtube vj belongs to the second generation, that of Cris & Cris, Mark Maccarini, Victoria Cabello, which the bottom has not been a time since the unfortunate person you show the video, I would say that currently has a good, well-paid seasonal work: specializes in cinepanettoni! you know who I'm talking about?! no, Pauline ... even before there was the legendary Nongiovane, who brought the ugliness on television and film. and this is his piece Orange, accompanied by his singing group, EDCs

as might be expected from him, a lot of video brit-vintage chorus and stupid (I'd like to be in NY but I'm in California) but quite catchphrase. and do not even have a voice so annoying as I expected. I can not understand how not to have smashed the charts. 100 thousand times if you really had to choose just one second that this piece of Lost or Broken heart college ... just do not understand how the world of music! (

Before total failure of the capital M tv (so to speak) there was a moment of confusion where some other TV VJ landed towards the more commercial, as if there was a presentiment of the fact that the music you were homogenized in a horrible can of worms by not opening at all. a symbol of the diaspora was Alessandro Cattelan who then resisted until the last breath gasps of MTV Italy and in 2006 took out this piece damage (along with other much better than him)

is a piece of pseudo-rap genre "bad" in Fabri Fibra seems to have then followed the exploits but with greater success. talks about the world of music and entertainment almost from the series "but where will it end," a symptom of a crisis that would leave him even with his ass on the floor!

last but not least, we kikka, who refused to accept his dismissal by MTV when they began to have a slight reputation and decided to become a music critic in a talent show in which he would probably have wanted to participate. I leave you with his video Siamese Smile jumble of platitudes typical of the last generation made in MTV, the piece of his group, wemen is not evil but definitely would come out better if he had not sung. in my opinion the worst performance among the 4 .... and there vuoleeeee!!
ps: and it says that a pastor had a soft spot for Charles when he was just the job! ; D


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