Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Nami Robin And Boa Hancock Gallery

The Union and talkative Romano

In recent weeks many of parties that until now have been part of coalitions are gathering in their general convention, and leaders from every stage of the different parties launch proclamations on the need for change and novelty in politics and thus echo the names of " PSI "-" DC ". It therefore seems a return to the past and instead look to the future.
The reason for all this activity are always stronger than the forces of the coalition leaders do not lose alliance with parties with their votes could decide the outcome of the elections, Prodi and Berlusconi with the Democratic Party with the Party of Freedom , which together with an ad hoc electoral law would disappear all the many parties who do not want to be part of these new constituencies.

Premier Prodi, also from Japan yesterday, during his official visit, throwing proclamations as "The Democratic Party does not arise against the parties but to go beyond the parties because the goal is to bring together the forces of reform that have a different origin and are divided and create a great party of the center. "
In addition to this he spoke of electoral reform with a particular optimism, perhaps due to long distance Roman palaces and its many allies, declaring that "Parliament must now find a wider agreement as possible on this issue, the request came too many times by President Napolitano , adding that the value of stability is important for all. For this we must stubbornly insist, because otherwise we fall back into instability on the day after. "These phrases are used to good take small parties of the majority, reassuring them that eventually avoid a new electoral law referendum, ensuring that all groups, large and small, that no one will be penalized.
These statements came after the conclusion of the Secretary Boselli the National Congress of the SDI in Fiuggi, opening the Socialist Constituent Assembly to arrive in the fall, is expected in Genoa, a new party that will resume the name he has always had since 1893, Italian Socialist Party (PSI), trying to bring it in as well as the socialists and those who are also from different stories even those who do not see willingly choose the birth of the PD with the confluence of the Margherita and the PDS, as the current led by Senator Salvi and Mussi . Finally, in response to Prodi said that "not convinced us. We are separate but not far "from the new political project of the axis Rutelli - Fassino .


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