Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Jason Comet Chaser 480 Instruction Manual

Strength The Family

Rome, 12 May: A crowd of families, more than a million people from from all the cities of Italy have come together with their strollers and a baby carrier, to show that the traditional family is more than ever, strong and deeply rooted in our culture. The organizers and speakers who have succeeded on the stage, framed by a square in San Giovanni, usually famous for the traditional May Day concert, espesso have their greatest happiness for the success of this event and as many have said was "a favor "of the Family and not against the" SAY ". Among the most enthusiastic about the success of the event there are many lieder politicians belonging to the center-right has always been promoting events for the family including Gianfranco Fini , who noted that the Family Day was not just a Catholic event in Piazza San Giovanni in fact there were many lay people. And that means that I say are now sunk, "he adds things worse and even Pier Ferdinando Casini, leader of the UDC , noting the need to strengthen policies on the family. While Silvio Berlusconi , leader of the Casa delle Liberta, present at the Family Day, said: "The Italians have said no to her and I say to Prodi, the prime minister should listen to the people took to the streets and withdraw its bill on civil unions, after the triumph of Piazza San Giovanni and the thud of Piazza Navona, and that no true Catholic should support the center-left "
These dichiaranzioni is echoed by the president of the CEI and archbishop of Genoa, Monsignor Angelo Bagnasco stating that the event was a testimony to the value of respectful and joyful family

Always with his biting and sardonic character Senator League Roberto Calderoli added "Adam and Eve Adam and beat Joseph with a clear and indisputable 6-0. Long live the family, down with culattoni.

Answers these statements have not been slow to materialize by the government that the voice of the Keeper of Clemente Mastella , sided with the whole family Saturday in Piazza San Giovanni "in the coming days will present two motions in Parliament because a large proportion the so-called treasure, at least 25 percent is allocated to households. On this effort the government but also the opposition, so we'll see who is serious and who's not, who defends the family and who in fact only in words "statements different from other anime of the government as Minister for Equal Opportunities' and rights, Barbara Pollastrini , while recognizing that extent of the event remains convinced that "the majority of companies' shares Italian values \u200b\u200bof secularism, 'responsibility' and dignity 'of the person. I do not be dazzled by even a major event in a country that has seen the same events and more' participatory and I think a mistake, that someone wants to use the square of the organizers in an instrumental and a bit 'cynical against an' enemy ', i say, that does not exist.' Why ', I repeat, nothing I say the family will rise to 'treating the rights of unmarried couples to marry. "

Other tensions have arisen in the course with most of the Lieder of the newly-rebuilt units from the socialist and radical voice for Boselli and Bonino attacked members of the government who attended the event and who have now taken the decision to distance delll'esecutivo


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