Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Broken Out Under Breasts

The 80 also break down the walls University

In 1985, after difficult years leading the division as they had more than unity, is now clearly recognized by all EU institutions need to take the eurepee consideration the social and human dimensions of the Community. In this sense, cooperation and mobility in evidence at last become of central importance. Like today says Sofia Corradi a "Erasme" that returns is certainly a convinced European . What he can not do that well to a union of states in which we often do not realize transformations to which you are witnesses. That does not mean having to approve a new culture emerging, but try to reconcile the two cultures, both in the same way, belong to us: that the membership of our state and European level. all in a context where more and more the term globalization can be replaced with the term glocalization , ie global and local as two sides of same coin, say yes to the killing of any border but jealously attachment to their land.
Then the action leading to the actual birth of the Erasmus becomes extremely shipped. Without the experience of about six or JSP joint study funded in ten years, is convened a special meeting in Brussels where the European Commission presents proposals for the actual program. In June 1986 the Ministers of Education approve the objectives of the Twelve and the general plan of Erasmus and also the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee gave their full support.
After several economic problems the final launch took place May 14, 1987 meeting of the Council of Ministers of Education. The baby was named after Erasmus program (the name which is still mentioned even though it was later incorporated into a larger program) in addition to being the Romanization name of Erasmus of Rotterdam, is above all stands for European Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students . From the name of the program and then derived the tendency to indicate other programs with names of famous people of the various European cultures which Socrates, Leonardo or Comenius.


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