Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Miranda Cosgrove Bra Slip

Bicchieri Rotti

"His eyes lit up with a different glow.
I knew he was overcoming all obstacles.
Then I released her hand, I took a glass and I moved to the edge of the table. "Fall," he said.
"Exactly. I want you to do this fall. "
" Break a glass? "

Yes, break a glass. A seemingly simple gesture, but that implies that terror will never reach a full understanding. What's wrong with breaking a glass of little value, when all of us, unwittingly, we have already done the same thing in life?

"Break a glass?" He repeated. "Why?"
"I can explain it," I replied. "But, in truth, is the only way to break it."
"For you?"
"No, of course."
He looked at the glass on the edge of the table, worried about falling.

'is a rite of passage, as you say yourself,' I wanted to explain. 'And the prohibited. They do not break the glasses on purpose. In a restaurant, or in our homes, we worry that the glasses do not end up on the edge of the table. Our world demands attention, so the glasses do not fall to the ground. '
' Yet, 'I still thought,' when we break them unintentionally accorgiarno that there is not really that serious. The waiter tells us: "It does not matter," and I've never seen a broken glass in the account include a restaurant. Breaking glass is part of the case of life and not cause any real harm, neither to us nor to the restaurant or at the next '.
I gave a jolt to the table. The glass has swayed, but did not fall.
"Careful!" He said, instinctively.
"Shatter that glass," I insisted I.

'Shatter that glass,' I thought, 'because it is a symbolic gesture. Try to understand me, inside me, I broke things far more important than a glass and I'm happy. Think about the struggle raging inside of you and break this glass.
Because our parents taught us to be careful with the glasses and with the bodies. They explained that the passions of childhood are impossible, we must not distract the men from the priesthood, that individuals do not make miracles happen and that nobody goes on a journey without a definite destination. Break this glass, please, and deliver us from these damn bias, the craze that is necessary to explain everything and do only what others approve '.

"Break this glass," I repeated.
I set eyes. Then, slowly, he slid his hand on the table, until it touches the glass. With
a quick movement, pushed him down.
The sound of breaking glass drew the attention of all. Instead of masking the gesture apologizing, he looked at me smiling and I returned the gesture.
"It does not matter," exclaimed the boy who served at the tables.

But he was not listening. He stood up and, putting his hands through his hair, kissed me . "
Paulo Coelho, from On the banks of the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept

such horrible things happen that can not be tell.
But sometimes we live in such wonderful things that words can not express.
I have "broken a glass, e. .. even longer remember what it meant to be happy.
Have a smile and heart, without words communicate things that transcend words.
miss someone as soon as you leave your hand, feel that this failure is not "no" but "presence".
be vulnerable but feel safe,
let go but do not be afraid of falling.

For a long time my body has ceased to be a threat to annihilate, and has become something of value.
And I ... I was no longer an object in the hands of others ... * I was * * and I loved *...

There was a moment when I wanted to go back and relive everything, moment by moment ...
now I want to go on, carrying with me the light, feeling inside that Love ...
Knowing that is a great gift that only some of extraordinary ... someone who knows how to love unconditionally can do ...

Thanks ... * Here *:))


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