Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dance Songs Of 2010 For A Talent Show

generation phenomena

two months of absence from my personal space and I must say that despite all these new social platforms on which to account, this is what we always tend to leave before others, but most of all I would hate to lose. why did you say?! is very simple ... the future requires us to be more and more synthetic ... after blogs have developed means much faster and less demanding in dialectical endeavor that obviously much less the mind. Facebook has taken over a lengthy articles in which we can very well replace short comments that people can make an even more immediate feedback and in turn very undemanding: the "I like it! to Facebook then he added that Twitter brings us almost to forget any mandatory rule grammar to be able to bring our "mini" thoughts in just 140 characters chirping.
as always I am a critic and a victim of these times we live in but sometimes I am also the "silence time" in which to stop and think about why not to write. I realize that infuses so I'm happy to be part of a middle generation, those who grew up going to play in the yard of pals after their front door intercom, but it has also approached the first few times with the opposite sex thanks to sms. short, despite the progress that has been able to live it his age with the romance of the case.
Now, I will not deny that all the tools I received does not like them, but I realize that the younger generation lacks that bit of critical thinking that comes from having been present for the evolution of such instruments. what follows in this progress so quickly is precisely the feeling of almost unbridgeable distance between the generations are very close. Because in the end always change between generations occurred thanks to innovative discoveries or inventions that changed life styles, but as long as happened every 20 years it was quite normal. But now we are faced with a changing continuously and so a few years can submits an eternity!
The funny thing is that if we put it like this, I often find myself making speeches far from "old", but to be considered by today's society is still a big baby and then a person in a position to make speeches Old as it is not able to find a decent job, nor can imagine a near future.
so I use my dear old blog space to dwell as it is no longer fashionable and to vent all those young people so damn 80's version of class 1992 we are stealing the place of "young "..... although maybe I should get me more with those around us denying our rightful place of "adult"!


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