Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cartoon Characters With Big Bootys

Exhibit historical

reordering in an old forgotten box in the attic I found this cloth ... and I came back to mind a million memories, how long! This was my first chore cross-stitch made at school in 'now that all' era of application technique called ... now the girls are taught as facts the plumbing, electrical etc. ... us how to be brave little women of the house!
My prof had then sets of placemats for tea, it seems that no one would have been able to marry without mats from the ... many memories!

How many times was he doing chores undone because the other side was dirty ... how much we hated!
We called it "take the teia" because he could not pronounce the gl and they claim to teach us how to cook it was all a giggle ...
Of course I did not use even one of these placemats abandoned in the attic ... I found with some stain over time, but with so much joy and a touch of nostalgia ...


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