Friday, June 26, 2009

Shaving During Herpes Outbreak


My friend ... these cards are for you ...
just to wish all the best in the world!
This now is a special birthday ...
See miracles do happen ...
A cow can sometimes become a little fairy ...
a Bettyrana a Bettyregina ...
you arrive kiss my little prince, but full of 'love that binds us
and the fact that we were born in exactly the same day it is perhaps not a coincidence ...
I wanted to write special words for you but what binds me to warm you want to sit deep in my heart ...
a kiss!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What Kind Of Weave Does Loran London Have?


"It rains a 'now only
but the baby seems to rain a lot ..."

I remember the 'image of my old subsidiary ... a boy who looked at the world behind the glass of embroidered lace with a naughty little drops ...

raining for three days and it really does well ... so cold ... I like the rain, makes me feel more me same, my emotions, my dreams but when I speak so I now look askance at their eyes and read the conviction of my not normal ... and three days of rain so maybe I am too well for me!

Then it 's necessary for a little sweetness, a pastry to munch on with a' friend in front of a tea not so cold!

cakes are really simple and fast ...


250 g coconut flour

00 60 g flour 3 eggs 300 g
teaspoon Coffee baking powder

I poured sugar into the mixer el 'I ran a minute with the' accessory kneading time to break some 'grains, but without making it totally icing.
I added the other ingredients and I let it all blends well.
With wet hands, I made balls of 3 cmm put them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and then a 'Oretta in the fridge. So
in oven at 175 degrees for 15 to 20 m no more even if they seem mushy ...

CONSIDERATIONS ... These cookies have the smoke ... his son liked to everyone even the little child! But ... The next time I try them with 200 g of sugar to make them less meringue.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

What Markers To Use For Body Art

it is almost .... In

... and then do it! PROMISE!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Best Household Item Masterbate

'vegetable garden ...

Have patience ... but this time we only collect strawberries ... this is huge ... it's for my son who wants to put in the car ... then have to get out of the tiny number of mobile and handbags ... "Just as you pass the time as well" tell me ... this is not so, I'm happy just to make them happy with so little!

And this is the first part of the summer 2009 collection ... A simple sun
long ankle ... just to propel!

a hug!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Where To Watch Free Bangbros Movies

The Right Wind sweeps Europe

The European People's Party is still the leading force of the European Parliament, led by the Italian delegation (PDL, UDC) and Germany (CDU / CSU) with a sharp decrease in the PSE and the Greens' success in many countries. Another finding of this election is undoubtedly a substantial increase of abstention in all member countries with more points in the Eastern countries, a sign of citizens' distance from that institution. Success also get so-called party "Eurosceptic" parties and "far right" drift of the discomfort to the global economic crisis and the ever-increasing numbers of foreigners who flock to the continent.
The economic crisis also punishes the majority of the governing parties, especially in Spain and the United Kingdom, where they lose the majority obtained in recent political consultations.
In Italy, the two parties that have received the biggest increases are Italy of Values \u200b\u200bwere Di Pietro and the Northern League, which gathered the votes of the discontented, respectively, PD and the PDL, which nevertheless proved in all five boroughs the first European party with a national average of 35.25%.
The first comment is one of the leaders of the EPP, Joseph Daul , UMP deputy "A great victory, with over a hundred more seats than the Socialists. This victory means a great responsibility." Different tone of the comment Martin Schultz, German SPD leader of the Socialist Group in Parliament "An Evening for the awful tasting European social democracy, we expected better results. But we are in a democracy and we must accept the choices of voters. "

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Clunking Noise On Shoulder When Turning

Capita ...

happens that it rains for two days in January so well that he feels envy ...
happens in the morning to look in the mirror and discover that the little speck of the night before has become a cold and so unpleasant that you now seem to have a mustache to Hitler ...
Capita did not want to go out ...
happens that the computer decides to do his own thing ... to open when they like, those who decide to connect with him ... So what?

For some 'time I look at your wonderful blog, Rosica of holy jealousy, I realize that my hands are inexperienced ... but on a day like ...
I take the few things I have at home ... a little 'of felt ... a tape stolen from a wedding favor ... a bit 'of gold thread and try to do my first work of creative sewing!
I know I should blush in front of your masterpieces, but I feel so happy ... and do not think I can lose more than my scissors! And so in the gray sky
check my rainbow ...