Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What Kind Of Weave Does Loran London Have?


"It rains a 'now only
but the baby seems to rain a lot ..."

I remember the 'image of my old subsidiary ... a boy who looked at the world behind the glass of embroidered lace with a naughty little drops ...

raining for three days and it really does well ... so cold ... I like the rain, makes me feel more me same, my emotions, my dreams but when I speak so I now look askance at their eyes and read the conviction of my not normal ... and three days of rain so maybe I am too well for me!

Then it 's necessary for a little sweetness, a pastry to munch on with a' friend in front of a tea not so cold!

cakes are really simple and fast ...


250 g coconut flour

00 60 g flour 3 eggs 300 g
teaspoon Coffee baking powder

I poured sugar into the mixer el 'I ran a minute with the' accessory kneading time to break some 'grains, but without making it totally icing.
I added the other ingredients and I let it all blends well.
With wet hands, I made balls of 3 cmm put them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and then a 'Oretta in the fridge. So
in oven at 175 degrees for 15 to 20 m no more even if they seem mushy ...

CONSIDERATIONS ... These cookies have the smoke ... his son liked to everyone even the little child! But ... The next time I try them with 200 g of sugar to make them less meringue.


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