Wednesday, June 10, 2009

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The Right Wind sweeps Europe

The European People's Party is still the leading force of the European Parliament, led by the Italian delegation (PDL, UDC) and Germany (CDU / CSU) with a sharp decrease in the PSE and the Greens' success in many countries. Another finding of this election is undoubtedly a substantial increase of abstention in all member countries with more points in the Eastern countries, a sign of citizens' distance from that institution. Success also get so-called party "Eurosceptic" parties and "far right" drift of the discomfort to the global economic crisis and the ever-increasing numbers of foreigners who flock to the continent.
The economic crisis also punishes the majority of the governing parties, especially in Spain and the United Kingdom, where they lose the majority obtained in recent political consultations.
In Italy, the two parties that have received the biggest increases are Italy of Values \u200b\u200bwere Di Pietro and the Northern League, which gathered the votes of the discontented, respectively, PD and the PDL, which nevertheless proved in all five boroughs the first European party with a national average of 35.25%.
The first comment is one of the leaders of the EPP, Joseph Daul , UMP deputy "A great victory, with over a hundred more seats than the Socialists. This victory means a great responsibility." Different tone of the comment Martin Schultz, German SPD leader of the Socialist Group in Parliament "An Evening for the awful tasting European social democracy, we expected better results. But we are in a democracy and we must accept the choices of voters. "


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