Sunday, February 7, 2010

Create A Tech Deck Online Account

are like Europe ... they are the Chaos! They are like

I started writing a blog or a subspecies of the blog in a particular period in my life where I discovered many things that opened my eyes, a period that I have not forgotten and that taught me so much that it was almost instinctive decision to study the phenomenon in more depth in my thesis.
the phenomenon of which I speak is the international mobility or rather the different European projects that help enterprising students to attend university in other EU countries. the best known of these is the Erasmus project and I'll explain it in all its facets gradually publishing an excerpt of my thesis here! because it is not right for a long time of hard work, research, and sleepless nights spent writing in Italian as fair as possible remains gathering dust in the office of my supervisor and that in a few years and all the other waste paper as a thesis on deadline.
then they do not have a publisher to publish my work, this is the only tool that gives me the illusion of freedom to spread the word! ;)
leave you with the introduction for now ... ENJOY!

"I thought to be one ... but I'm all that.
'm English, I am French, I'm Italian, English ...
are not one but a multitude.
I like Europe. I am the Chaos! "
From Auberge Espagnole (2002)

This is the story of the newly twenty-one Erasmus Program, a program of international student mobility promoted by the European Community, which in recent years has enabled one million well- students to leave their country to undertake a period of study at a foreign university.
After touching briefly on the general history of the European Community and the Treaties of Rome which in 2007 celebrated 50 years (together 20 years of Erasmus), I will focus on the commitment that the Community has addressed the aspect of education and then to the design and implementation of programs of international mobility for students to create real Europeans.
In support of historical study of this well known project of cooperation between European universities, which is becoming increasingly a social phenomenon, report some statistics made some general and as regards the Italian situation. Also interesting are the studies undertaken by the Ministry of University and Research Foundation, along with Rui (dating 2000), on average Erasmus student.
As regards the specific case of the phenomenon of mobility in Urbino compiled a few statistics made possible thanks to information (about the academic years ranging from 1990 to 2006) kindly provided by the Socrates / Erasmus and international relations of Urbino. Based on these statistics, we can identify trends and preferences of students of the University of Urbino for 18 years now.
After analyzing in detail the situation of the University of Urbino, I dwell on what is called Syndrome post-Erasmus, that is the feeling of disorientation that comes to return home. Feelings I have also seen in the responses to the questionnaire I brought the kids started in recent years from Urbino. In this context also looks at the way forward, glimpsed the young (especially in a country like Italy), after such an experience abroad, thus opening up a bracket to necessarily a recent phenomenon but has already its history, such as the brain drain or brain drain.
Finally I make a little trip into the virtual community of Erasmus (present, past and future) in the network. They are regular visitors to blog sites, airlines and communities in which they help, you know, keep in touch, in which words are linked by a life experience and especially from a state of mind which is to be true European citizens.
Personally, having experienced first-hand experience, one of the things I most often heard was: "Only one can understand what it means Erasmus Erasmus, for all that you have lived, albeit of kilometers away, he experienced the same too. " A phrase that led to my involvement in trying to put into words an 'important experience in the new Europe that is united, because it is made possible at all feel this strong sense of community that those who participated in the Erasmus program, knows very well.
In conclusion I would like to motivate this thesis, my interest about this subject, even with a proposal to Urbino. The proposal to create (as in other places is already present) an association involving the ex-Erasmus students or any student wants to participate in a kind work of welcoming foreign students arriving in our beautiful city. In order to help them break away from the technicalities of the bureaucracy, to learn more about our culture through various initiatives and to avoid self-ghettoization.

If you think that there might be of interest to follow the next episodes;)


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