Sunday, February 21, 2010

Why Are Ants In My Motorhome

various shades of gray!

If my life were a video game would a thousand paintings different.
characters that appear or reappear, some newcomers and others left behind.
The paintings eventually be overcome, despite the increasing difficulty ... what is certain is that you can not return to the previous framework to make things better, you can simply expect that sooner or later one will arrive like to give us the chance to get it right again!
this where I am is a complicated picture in which as many weeks have followed all the same and my life had almost become accustomed to a static so little but so much fun ... "safe"!
long dark tunnel took me to this adventure taught me to breathe air already breathed in by others, never look into the eyes of my companion, in short, to feel less human. bands in silent mice Tajer dragged me along the traffic lights commanding the hustle of big city as a fast-moving self-centered. the city gives us all, it is true, but for us as we can stay inside her?! we have the illusion of omnipotence because we have the best stores, the best works, the best nightlife .... there's plenty! except time to take advantage of all these things. and then we forget to stop and think because of things we do and that's it! and here also the work becomes more creative mechanic!

I believe in destiny and I know that it is no coincidence that the picture is changing after a trip where I saw the gray skies of Galicia reflected in people's eyes I'm losing road.

maybe next picture will be more gray, but definitely more green)



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