Saturday, February 6, 2010

What Is A Good Masterbation Mathod


peeking in the news Italian curious to discover new oddities on our country, the other day, I came across in the first controversy of the annual event in San Remo! Morgan is the point this year that some time will not stop being on top.
the tragedy in a short burst when he admitted in a newspaper to make daily use of crak! and here tolk show, news and lounges commentators have omitted any other news to focus on this juicy scandal festival!
the fact that the world of communication in the period expires in Sanremo trash journalism is not new, as neither is the fact that Morgan is taking drugs ... since I'm writing songs years often allude to the world of drugs and sometimes yes, even his apology. Sanremo
but the target is known that Morgan did not like the leader of the disbanded Bluvertigo but as the foreman of the extravagant Aram Quartet or Naomi or year of Marco Mengoni.
this has created a chasm in his character in which the transgressive found hard to identificarsici too much for the marketing of the format of the program but which nonetheless still a bit of inner revolt in that environment hostile to him. the other side slowly came to his feet a horde of kids in this new TV personality recognized an idol or at least a model of adult does not like all the others. Peter Pan
a dandy!!

not know who was concocted this whole media maneuver but it's certainly succeeded in its intention to advertise the Festival in Morgan. the thing that maybe he has not calculated is that the general public is not faithful to the talent of an artist like him can be a niche audience, and always has time to listen carefully to his intricate lyrics, because it must keep pace with the times, must make room in your ipod to the new winners of talent shows and any number. the general public are disposable, while the boys who know by heart "other life", which is excited by "elsewhere" and cry with "love absurd ".... not forgive its humiliation at Morgan live in Port to Door in front of an odious minister of youth believe to be part of Best of Youth, a Turkish Livia who treated him like a terminally ill patient and Don Mazzi who confessed on live TV!
I saw a pathetic man with his face in his hands inside when asked why he was throwing away that the character built over the years ... a man who laughed when they called him drugged and pretending heartfelt repentance in prime time only I blow up his win Sanremo. because that is his goal!

and makes me a little pain the fact that in this country to win a singing contest, which I believe he deserves to win no matter how good musician, you should use to blurt out their problems on the sofas for sale so that people feel compassion. this is a hypocritical farce of our country that excludes a singer from a competition for private matters but then invited him to all television programs to speak precisely to these private matters. and then I wonder: if only a little more silent?! if only it was a back seat and simply the Max players had realized that Morgan smokes coke?! If only the organizers of San Remo did not take the ball to animate a box of talent show event now?!
the answer is that we would not be in Italy!
never forget that we are the country of the Pope and Berlusconi!

THIS is what I wanted to be told!


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