Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bloody Nose Scabs Pick

Sofia Corradi "Mamma Erasmus, a Europe in '68! A student who came from far

"It was certainly an easy route began on the ruins of a Europe torn apart by World War II and the Cold War in which this was a great suffering. It was a path built with optimism and determination of people of good will belonging to cultures that at the time were considered very different from one another, "says Dr. Sofia Corradi, lecturer of the Faculty of Education at the University of Rome, considered the mother of the Erasmus Project.
The interest in practical support to international student mobility Corradi was born in the student and the teacher Corradi, because during her university studies had been able to benefit in 1959 of the Fulbright Scholarship Program, which allowed to perform a period of learning abroad. On his return, despite having earned the title of Master of Comparative Law at Columbia University, was denied the recognition of three exams which still lacked the degree in Law at the University of Rome.
From here, just the battle for a mobility program that would live by the students. Corradi
In 1962 he won the World United Nations launched the International Federation of Business and Professional Women, and this brings her young to the session of the Commission on Human Rights held in New York at the UN headquarters. On this occasion it is dedicated to the deepening of the issues concerning the right to education as a fundamental human right.
In 1969 in Geneva at the General Assembly of the Conference of European Rectors you start talking about university autonomy, which will be then the fundamental innovation in the construction of Erasmus. It must be acknowledged on this occasion Professor Corradi to the merit of being able to involve all the rectors in a period of student protests calling for the daily presence of the rectors in place.
This happened thanks to a clever trick (devised considering the dynamics of the environments in which the international Corradi had already become accustomed to following the experience at the UN): Corradi, the Chancellor sent a letter to each person making them understand that all had acceded to 'meeting other than the addressee of the letter.
This important meeting offered the Community authorities and Governments national key to set the EU policy in a sector like education, which had been strangely overlooked by the Treaty of Rome that had marked the beginning of the journey towards the European Union.
In Italy meanwhile, there was still a very nationalistic concept for which Italian citizens were not to study abroad except in cases of particular family circumstances. Despite this, the new draft law of 1969 provided for a principle so revolutionary for its time: the student is granted the right to organize one's own curriculum, to be submitted later for approval of a Faculty Council. And this was a big step towards the abolition one of the biggest obstacles to the mobility of students without the rigidity of the traditional curriculum are much freer to make a stretch of its course at universities abroad.

It must be said that the university course of those years was a factor in the context of the problems students bring to the attention of individual governments, but also the influence exerted by some at that time made a part of the Rectors work.


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