Thursday, May 20, 2010

What Does It Mean Not To Mount A Hard Drive?

I have many wings ...

... but today the sun is coming out,
and I know that I have so many skies to fly
and I know that the wind gives everyone a lot of wings
and wind will make me fly
(I have so many wings to get to heaven)
the wind I will fly
(I have so many wings to get to the sun)
nothing can kill me now ...

I wondered how many times you can raise ... after how many falls it is still able to stand ...
"What does not kill you strengthens you," you say ... I think we all forget the third option.
The calm after the storm. What does not kill you can do so badly to erase any "after". The peace does not repair the devastation of the storm.
I wrote so much these days, not here, I wrote letters ... I wrote things, spare me. I can not put them back together.
If you are still here is because after each relapse, after every damn hospital, I always said a couple of new wings, believing at least some 'I would have supported.
How many times you have to get up, before you feel justified to surrender? Now it is assumed that

that I am good, I think I finished the wings ...


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