Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Body Piercing Robinsons Galleria

An arrogant man, a monstrous ego, with the aggravating circumstance of being a doctor.
confident, too sure, so much to listen to others without taking the trouble to really understand them, to put yourself in their shoes and even just for a moment consider the possibility of ceding part of the reason.
A brilliant doctor, aware of his talent, strong of his titles and fame accumulated. Coordinating, unwilling to delegate to colleagues and associates.

patients with authoritative, friendly, sometimes almost affectionate, never fully, always "almost". Often sarcastic, sometimes frankly asshole. An asshole with a capital, but an asshole worthy of respect.

This person picked me up one day, my little pile of bones and anger, I spoke, I was shaken, I was also offended once. She gave me pats on the back only a bit recovering 'I learned to bear weight without unbalanced; handed me his hand and smiled a huge smile even more enormous floating in the middle of the white beard.
I worshiped as a god, I loved him like a father, I felt love and gratitude as a friend that saves you from the precipice.
And there I argued so much, I hated as the worst of enemies, I despised the crap that I trimmed the end, when I was most vulnerable ...

I have not said goodbye, I have not said how hated it, I have not said thank you for allowing me to live on.

I would not be returned to him, the more I wanted, but I knew, and I know it was a great, great man. With the balls to scream in the face of illness and death, with the strength to drag a blatant weight where he wanted to take, adamant in its decisions, inflexible to the blackmail of a sick patient in bold to set limits and rules.

I can not think now ... I can not tell how I feel, was a strange vacuum, which is full of emotions, love, the pain of loss ... is a vacuum painless, but great: the void that left
who once saved my life.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hack Sony Dvp-sr200p Region Free

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Inurl View Frame Mode

lose Cara C. Cosa vuole dire

This morning I woke up at dawn, indeed well before dawn ... and I wrote a letter ... only that when you send it, I realized that I could (while respecting the anonymity of the recipient) publish it here on the blog ... because often I did not realize it, but things emerge by themselves ... a cold embrace at all:))

Cara C.,

are the 6-something am, and here nevicaaaa! There is absolute silence, even the few cars that are starting to go a different sound, as if they were afraid of disturbing ... and is NOW the time to write.

Yeah. because I too have a strange relationship with words. The fact is that I do not obey them never to me, there is no time manages to get them in line with a decent command: I find myself with a tangle of ideas, feelings, emotions, feel them, separately, looking for a name , a definition, a word to be described ... on time and lying on the keyboard terms broken down, messy, sometimes meaningless, or worse, terribly banal.

And I've learned. After years I have learned to obey them: I happen to wake up at 4 am with the urge to write, with the need to write, and then it's not that you type what I thought of having to say, I can almost never be faithful to what, a few hours earlier, had clearly decided to express ... but then it is strange, because re-reading when the sun is already high, or forgotten for days after the pc, I do not look, but it seems the life ... is more, it is something bigger, more beautiful, that's what I be when I stop thinking and start listening. To listen to me.

to listen to people, too. I have a never-ending story in the DCA, and I understand that when you write the words elude you, that the concepts are beyond you, it is difficult to communicate ... for me it was, for me, too often still is. I came to think that, first, is unavoidable: the pain change you, deeply, we change the body, mind, thoughts and you change the way people listen ... and is one of the few things that can not be explained, it is difficult to share, and make yourself deeply. When you see things around you behind a veil of pain, are not the same anymore, and when trying to explain does not mean that others understand, nn almost never do ... even a color, a sound, they are no longer the same, and there are few people who see it as you see it. With those people, by the way, feel a bond incredible, inexplicable and profound than ever.

But what you tell me that's not all ... anorexia is: have you used the adjective "weak" prprio and is the point. Do not weak in the sense of incapacity, bankruptcy ... weak because you lack the strength, physically and mentally, because it seems weak to go out every word, every step, and it seems that everything requires an enormous effort, just trying to explain what happens to you.

The first thing that comes to mind when I talk about anorexia and profound fatigue. Not physical, because that takes us completely ignored for years: we do not want to hear it, we will not recognize it, we come also to be happy, because we know that means we are switching off ... No, I'm talking about waking up tired in the morning realizing that we face one more day to live, and sometimes hope is the last, tired of being forced to defend indefensible positions, to have a facsimile of freedom; tired of pretending all the time and all, tired of always being on a string, always poised, always in about to fall ... and tired of hiding, and you always feel in a vortex ... and fatigue, the desire for a little 'peace, a desire to stop the carousel and start breathing.

So I understand your question, that is not stupid, indeed, is the question: why are we doing this because we are still in anorexia, bulimia in, if we look at each other and we see them in all their terrible truth?

I answered have given me, and believe it more every day.
and fear.

It is not true that we do not want to feel better: we have a tremendous fear of getting better, because we think of life before, and that was not "feel better" ...

Your words are terrible, but I know that feeling of happiness and fear, when you see that really your body is giving ... I woke up one day in April, was nearly Easter .. I woke up and felt a sharp pain in my legs, then I have found myself on the ground. I waited for my mother arrived, frightened by the thud, and then my father, who took me in his arms and put me on the bed, my legs were no longer. And you know What do I think? that I had it done, I was dying.

And it was true, I was dying. Two days later I was in hospital, three days after resuscitation alert: needed a bed for me. But you know what? when I really felt the death, when I began to feel my heart go crazy and stop breathing when the view is clouded only when I lifted up my head ... I took it a terror that I had never tried.

not true that death does not frighten us, makes us feel good: even when we do not eat for days, or when we binged to struggle to breathe, or when they vomited up and see the blood ... even then, what we want is not to die, but live. Only live

terrifies us, Cause I want to fall back into their previous life ... Indeed, in non-life than before. We do not want to go back, we do not want to be that person again inadequate, sad, and always lower than expected, that we felt.

Ma .. that's just a memory, can not be nothing but a bad memory. It is not possible for anyone to go back, you can only go forward. I spoke yesterday with a doctor that I admire so much (the type of doctor I want to be), he said, "We are never the same. You will not be tomorrow what it is today, and in one year may not be the same person. After graduation you may not be the same as now, and when you come in specialties may not be the person that you had just graduated. So you can not decide now, with eyes now, what we live, the direction that will take your life. "

And this seems to me a wonderful thing, as well as more and more true in my case. When I stop thinking with fear that I do not want the old life, I realize that is very different from before, and that if I look good I like it as well.

I'm not good now, are not cured, nn even know if I believe I can still heal ( 13 years of anorexia and bulimia are far too many, I think at times) but I realize that my life is not just DCA.

I met someone who changed my life, and that the lights every day.
V. It is called, it is my best friend, my angel, my light.

When I'm with you I'm fine as they are.
Physically, PECH hugs me in the same way, with 10 kg more or less.
And as a person, because he loves me when I take 30 to an examination, and when six months pass without giving a single one, when I talk about things beautiful and profound, and when the stress absurd paranoia, or when I say stupid things and do gaffe one after the other.
always see me, when I make a good girl, and when the rules and I stand No bullshit, when I still believe in love and I want something seams, and when you go to bed with the first one to get.

It made me feel free. Free
obligation to be who they are, from having to prove something, from having to behave in a certain way and say certain things.
free to be sad, and laugh until my stomach ache, free to talk about 3 hours in a row, or to look at and say nothing. Free
from my self-imposed rules, and those imposed by others.
Free me, free to be me ... and free also from her.

Because the best thing is that you walk on my legs: I did not need her to live, do not depend on her ... has changed me inside, and now I see with his eyes, and continue to do without her.
are different with people, and I learned to be alone.
continue to hurt me, but I started to laugh.
I still binge, but yesterday I had pizza and it was a beautiful evening. Vomiting
yet, but sometimes eating out is a way to be together, and the food inside me fades into the background.

Sometimes I look in the mirror, and it sucks that I see. Even now, when the scale marks a kg less I feel strong ... and still cry sometimes, looking at her legs, belly, my ass ... but there are times that I feel immensely happy , and I feel to be loved and to love, and it's something that I never even imagined, so many years of illness.

and questions is what I would perhaps say: tomorrow you may have what we now can not even imagine ... you experience something you've never tried it, and that goes beyond anything you expect.

... and here I leave you, the final cut because personally directed at C. ... I leave a couple of pictures this morning, I woke up this ...

Friday, December 18, 2009

Descargar Hdloader Advance


social networks are a fad? Or the biggest change since the Industrial Revolution?
WelcomeAbout @ the Revolution!
In 2010, the generation "Y" will be greater than that of the "Babyboom"
96% of them are already in a social network. social networks have surpassed pornography as the number one activity on the Internet.
A pair of 8 of those who were married last year in the European Union have met in social networks.

years to reach 50 million
38 years: 13 years
the PHOD 4 years: 3 years
FACEBOOK reached 100 million users in less than 9 months
If Facebook were a country it would be the fourth most populous (China, India, USA, Facebook)
QZONE ... Although China is the largest, with 300 million of people using this service.

2009 study of U.S. Department of Education show that students improved on-line than those with normal education. A student on 6
higher education has put his resume on the Internet
80% of companies are using to search the main INSTRUMENTS LINKEDIN as employees.

The segment of companies with more growth in Facebook is that of women between 55 and 65. Ellen DeGeneres and Ashton Kutcher
have more followers on Twitter that the entire population of Norway, Ireland and Panama!
80% of the use of Twitter by mobile devices, users discount anywhere and at any time.

YOUTUBE is the second largest search engine in the world: 100,000,000 video.
Wiki is a Hawaiian term = fast! WKIPEDIA 13 million readers. Various studies show that is more accurate than the Encyclopedia Britannica. 78% of its articles are not in English. if you would pay a dollar for every article written on Wikipedia would earn $ 156.23 ... for now!

There are over 200,000,000 BLOG

54% of bloggers write or post Twitter messages daily.

25% of the results of research on 40 major global brands to bring content to users. 34% of bloggers write posts about products and brands.

people more value to the views of products and services in the blog that the position / classification that by Google.

78% of consumers trust recommendations from other people, only 14% trust advertising! only 18% of advertising generates positive feedback. 90% of users avoid ads.

HULU has increased from 63milioni reproductions 373milioni April 2008 to April 2009.

70% of people between 18 and 34 years have seen the TV on the Internet.

24 of the 25 most important newspapers recorded a drop in record sales.

What is happening? that we are no longer searching for information, but we found them! and in the future we will not longer manufactured or services, we will find in their social networks.

SOCIAL NETWORKS ARE NOT A FASHION, I AM A fundamental change in the form of a press. more than 1.5 million small pieces of content (links, news, post blogs, photos, etc.) are shared on Facebook ... DAILY!

the successful campaigns in social networks listen first and then sell!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Gameshark Gpsphone 6.6.7

small job

With these simple pot holders, Christmas has arrived in my kitchen!
I am a bit 'absent lately because with the' arrival of Cristian my free time is a bit 'reduced but not lose the' opportunity to make a turn in the blog vs. wonderful to enjoy the beauty of vosri work ... a kiss to everyone!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sports Point And Shoot

MADONNINA ... ungrateful child!

Poor Silvio ... that our it is an unlucky year for him! Today's photo of his face bloodied and shaken has been around the world, causing, I think, not a few, surprise and a hint of complacency. although, of course, the institutions of the world's largest and leading Italian and foreign, denounce the incident as a cowardly act of violence and terrorism for some even ... I think someone's a slight smile on his face is checked. the rest all knew that someday it would happen again and again is not a tripod would have been grazed. I would say that given all his pranks Knight of our population has also been fortunate to encounter only a souvenir plastic!
I have always thought: the point is not the material object, but the anger with which he waged. and the whole is emblematic .... anger is so great, is fast, violent, hard ... that you do not have time to turn around you've got him! anger around you and there's bodyguard taking. the anger of your people must be addressed.
the world wonders why a head of government has suffered two aggresioni within a few years and the world responds that Italy is a country in which the tension is more palpable. Italy is a country instinctively, not thinking about what he's doing but just acts, Italy is the country that in the past pointed out the errors to their heads and sometimes even made them to her pay by more than a statuette.
these are and we will always be these. the climate of tension will not leave our best but the only thing that makes us move. if the people are exasperated because Berlusconi is not the best prime minister ever to have had, it's because you feel cheated by a system that seems to be anything but in the service of his people.

tonight What's it fell upon his dome as a symbol of his empire, its Milan, his Madonna is accortocciano with its lifting and its escorts. its credibility hit him from behind and his ego can not help but fix a blue car!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

How To Clear My Babies Phlegm On Chest

Brazilian Waxing For Plus Size Women

SE TU ... Frik

if you breathe you speak

if you speak you ask

and you get you think

if you think you are looking

if you try you experience

if you experience you learn

if you learn you grow

you grow if you want

if you want you find

if you find ...................

you doubt.

you doubt if you ask

you ask if you understand

you know if you understand

if you know you want to know more

if you want to know more


Gum Blister From White Strips

Frik You should know that in English the meaning of Nerd took the time ... or "nerd" or "loser", but now in the era of Web 2.0 "very person informed! ehehehehh ... the fact that the English We borrowed the term Freak ("monster" or if you want to be kinder, "be weird") is all to say about the role that these people have in society.

I am suddenly surrounded by view of their world frik that this little part of me and for this, since I am a sponge (not just drinking, but also learning) that will be my address book on all that Frikkie overheard in the office during the week and all the crap that I meet the wonderful world 2.0.

http://www.insideyoursearch.com/ Fantastic advertising: what's behind the Google search motoredi ????.... ehehheh!

http://ecoalfabeta.blogosfere.it/2009/12/perche-berlusconi-non-ce-nella-campagna-di-greenpeace-i-sorry.html ehehehheheh you .... This Greenpeace campaign against global warming ?! there are all the heads of state in 20 years apologizing because they did nothing about it. Berlusconi, but where is ?????? Greenpeace hopes that it is already dead in 20 years? or perhaps unlikely that represent apologize to his people?? posterity will judge!

and leave you with a bit of Christmas as it is period! Christmas in India! ehehehehhe!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Countdown Techno Song


I took qs post by my old blog ... I changed a few words, I added a couple ...
The public here, once again, because too often I forget these words too often or eat fast, I can still throw up or cut me a choice, and too often I defend my right to this choice ...
The public who calls himself "pro ana" and is proud of it: the public because the suffering should not be a fashion ... and zero to disappear is never a game ...

... I am 27 years old, from 12 survive anorexia. "Survive", not "live" because I almost died several times, and then did not seem like a risk, but a terrible liberation.

I wanted this blog because this is anorexia: a prison from which you are afraid to go out, a refuge that destroys you, an 'not be' that protects you from being wrong, the 'no choice' that we prevents mistakes.

Anorexia is afraid of myself, of others.
Afraid to trust, and let me go.
to betray the trust, and they could not accept.
Fear of hurting and being hurt.
Fear of failure, and impact.
Fear of indifference, abandonment, of losing everything.
Fear of love, of deep contact, to receive something of value.

Anorexia is a contradiction, inability to choose, inability to grow and enter the world, an inability to compromise with life, to accept an imperfect reality.

Anorexia is white or black, is the vision of two opposites separated by an unbridgeable gap, you always walk on the ridge risk of falling at every step, why do not you agree to be on a hill.

Anorexia is all that and a whole world beyond: I write this, because I it hurts to read blog "pro ana" because anorexia is a lifestyle, not a religion, not an ideal to which they have given, it is not even a choice.

Anorexia is, above all, pain.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Stock Xterra Roof Rack Lights

news this week the discovery of the trip (2003)

I decided to start telling my many trips to my pictures ... pictures! so you can watch a little bit through my eyes! I'll start from my first trip with my camera inseparable.
a city college that I made me a strange anxiety of the future and a very romantic Venice where a surprise could not be more bitter.

How Many Caloriesdry Fruits

semper C'è qualcuno ...

Who said that melancholy is elegant? Take off that mask of sadness
there is always a reason to sing, to praise
the sacredness of the mystery,
we are not cowards,
run to tell someone,
there is always someone we love and who loves us.

(Gloria Fuertes) How

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Movie Whipping Scenes

... too early to understand ... see how the world is unfair and cruel ... Dal

I do not see the usual television for days, I read excerpts of news from the internet and I dwell on a few articles every now and then ... I miss the news regularly and maybe small but they end up doing around the country for more gossip than real relief for ...

is not the case this time.

This time there is a small news, not gossip, and the more I think I grow more in anger and dismay. A

Pistoia, even tiny children beaten, forcibly filled up almost to suffocate them, children taken by the hair, shoved, threatened ... sometimes in closed cabinets.

I go up in tears when I open my blog, because in a few seconds Apart from music ... and the first song, Palabras para Paula, is a dedication to the daughter of one of the sweetest LOVG ... this song has always touched me, I was always touched, not only because it is associated with a person whom I love deeply ... but because it transpires waiting full of anticipation of a mother who carries inside her the baby, the wonder, the wonder and infinite love that overcomes all to see that child in his arms, the impossibility to hold back the tears, because every child is a miracle.

It was a miracle for me, when I picked up Francis, one of the first children I visited in my hospital placements ... Francis is a child beautiful, and, like almost all the children we see, has a severe mental retardation, and those of his amazing gray eyes in a few years no longer be able to see if the shadows ... acoccolato but when I was in my arms when I supported the head under his chin, when I heard his fist closed around my finger ... I felt something melt inside, and hardly I chased him off the drops that filled my eyes.

And every child is so, no unnecessary barriers and make our , break down the walls and we'll get straight to the soul .

When Anna, an autistic child who avoids eye and screams if you touch it, it gave me an awkward basin near the nose, I felt lifted from the ground ... and when I saw Esteban fall asleep in my arms, after having devastated the gown, and after kicking and screaming into the arms of depth and on the couch, I felt the most important person in the world.

So I do not understand what happened in that asylum of Pistoia ... I will never understand the violence on a child ... because violence is always unacceptable in itself, but to be a child destroys our people, our humanity.

Who knocks a child loses the right to citizenship in this world, because children are unconditional love, they are wonderful, I hope in the little things ... are the Light that we should all take us inside ... and that when you turn, makes us unworthy of ourselves and others.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mount And Blade Ladies Rus

... Black Blog ...

Rubo qs video to Black, and around the dedication to those who have patience and infinite love to be near ...
Z tkm:))

Pati Nabidad Desnudos


What kids happy my grandchildren!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How Long Does It Take An Ice Cube To Freeze?

The Great Escape

Two days after the primary statement of Pier Luigi Bersani (with more than 53% of the vote, which follows that of congressini of party members) who have crowned the Secretary of the Democratic Party, not missing the first shake within the same party. What you could show how a single element, the announcement of Francesco Rutelli "I will go with Casini, though not immediately and not alone," are the two leaders in the House and Senate, Antonello Soro and Anna Finocchiaro, to play the card of the resignation. Meanwhile, the last leader of the daisy best explains why he farewell: "You have to start a different way, with people who have different cultures, and makes no reference to Italy's resentment, the response to economic crisis and the division of the country can not simply say that one side is the right and the other a center that basically goes through the streets of the past. "

The left and then again from the connection-D'Alema Bersani, the real strategist of his success reversing the ideal of Veltroni's party for the new center-left that with this vote which brings to the leadership of the party area Former PCI-PDS-DS and a return to the old Olive, so dear to Prodi, who is increasingly pointer as party chairman. Then again idea of \u200b\u200ba grand coalition (antiberlusconiana) allied with the left area, cut off by Veltroni and by lawmakers, which he believed would still be merged into his party.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Lcd Tv Light Bleeding In Corners

Praise to Lodi! The Martyrs of Liberty

Rome, 7 October - The Constitutional Court has declared unconstitutional, the Lodo Alfano , formally known as the "Provisions on the suspension of criminal proceedings against senior State "(Law 124/2008). presented by Justice Minister Angelino Alfano and approved by the Council of Ministers of the Government Berlusconi IV on June 26, 2008 "with the objective the absolute need to protect the continuity and regularity of the highest public office. "
According to the Constitutional Court of the Alfano Bill violates two provisions of the Constitution, Article 138 - the obligation to have recourse to a constitutional law (and ordinary) for an injunction to suspend the process for the four highest offices of State - and Article 3, which establishes the principle of equality of all citizens before the law.

The first comment on this decision is up to the Speaker of the PDL, Danele Capezzone states that "The ruling by the Constitutional Court has just ruled raise up 'a lot of discussion and some controversy. But there' a politician who should be immediately confirmed with absolute clarity: for political and electoral matters, to decide who should govern and who should be in opposition, the only judge and 'the electorate, the sovereign people. "

Now the Premier said, "This consultation is' a body of assets but a political body," stressing "we go forward. We have to govern for five years with or without the Ruling. I never believed 'cause a Constitutional Court with 11 judges on the left, with a new president on the same side that it was impossible to approve this. "

" It' s a ruling that surprised, and not a little, 's invocation of Article 138 of the Constitution. The Court Constitutional say today what 'that could and, inevitably, have said already' in 2004 in the only pre-existing ". Guardasiginlli says, Angelino Alfano, the opposition

Piero Fassino said ' 'I hope now that Berlusconi and the right-wing majority is finally set aside the conspiracy theory and overridden by the knowledge that the Constitutional Court's respect each other. On the other hand, Berlusconi has every chance' to plead his case in court free not to observe laws that was highlighted in the Consultation should be equal for all citizens.''

are still many interventions including Ignazio Marino, the Democratic Party candidate for the office that says "Berlusconi remains in place and will face judge in court as all Italian citizens. The decision of the Review and 'so' clear leaving no doubts."

Sunday, October 4, 2009

How To Change Your Oovoo Thing To The Cat


In this period the technique of filet for me is the most relaxing and rewarding to be there!
this is a small strip that bridges the network in its simplicity has always been a great visual effect!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bday Wishe To Your Boss

coffee cake??

I was always intrigued and fresh water and coffee to those ... so after finding this recipe on the web I decided to try it ...

good fresh breakfast ... We only notice the taste of coffee does not feel at all if not for a small, piccolissmo bitter aftertaste!

RECIPE Ingredients

3 eggs 250 g sugar 500 g flour 00

130 g of sunflower oil, 130 g of water

1 teaspoon baking powder 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa 2 teaspoons
full of instant coffee


_ Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy, have become
_ Combine in order and only after a well-mixed oil, water, Farian sifted with baking powder

_ Pour 3 / 4 of mixture into a cake pan with 24 cm well greased and floured
_ Add the remaining cocoa mixture and the coffee ... if it was too hard to add a little '
' s water.
_ Pour the white mixture and bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes

A pleasure sprinkle with powdered sugar

Friday, September 18, 2009

Poems About Looking For A Gift

Still Italian blood is spilled on Afghan territory. The names of our fallen soldiers are: Pistonami Giandomenico, Massimiliano Randino, Roberto Valente, Matthew Mureddu, David Curley, Anthony Fortunato. The six victims of the attack made in Kabul are Italian soldiers who belonged to the regiment 186esimo Folgore quota "Italfor XX" in the escort service, not just past the roundabout Massoud, along the road leading from the international Kaia (Kabul International Airport) to the headquarters of coalition forces. In the attack on civilians also were killed, more than 20 Afghans who crowded a nearby market were killed and 60 others were injured. Immediately, Zabiullah Mujahid, Taliban spokesman claimed responsibility for an action via sms, and the official site of the militants is written with triumphalist tone: "He drove the car bomb hero an Islamic emirate, the mujahid Hayatullah with the aim to demonstrate that no one can be considered safe in Afghanistan and the massacre of civilians they accuse the military: "It 's the fault of the occupation force that after the explosion, they started to shoot blindly hitting many of the on-site." The suicide attack occurred just minutes after Afghan President Hamid Karzai had concluded a press conference dedicated to the election results, which he said "It 's an anti-Islamic and barbaric attack, the Afghans will never forget the service that the Italian soldiers are making for peace and security in our country. "

With these victims, increased to 21 the number of those killed in the mission in Afghanistan since 2004.

Sunday will be the return of remains will be held Monday and the solemn funeral of Saint Paul Outside the Walls officiated by Monsignor Vincenzo Pelvis , military chaplaincy, and will be declared national mourning, with a minute of silence in schools and public buildings.

The President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano was informed of the attack in Tokyo, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi expressed his deep condolences to the entire staff and the Government Chief of Staff Defense General Camporini and General Castellano who commands our contingent in Kabul. "The Italian government is close to the families of the victims, sharing their grief at this tragic time, and expresses its solidarity with all members of the Italian mission in Afghanistan committed to supporting democracy and freedom in this unfortunate country."

In a joint statement of the Minister of Defense, La Russa and Foreign Minister Frattini , leaving the Council of Ministers declares "exit strategy would speak today about an increase in violence against our soldiers. "

Colonel Aldo Zizzo , commander of Italfor, brought all the men and women in uniform at the Italian base in the Afghan capital for a short speech in memory of the fallen and encouragement to those present. "The mission continues. I am very sorry. I had hoped to be able to bring home all," said Zizzo. "We will not go away a minute earlier than necessary."

Monday, September 7, 2009

Duracell Value Charger Cef14dx4n

Under the umbrella .... I am

is that you are not just with our hands ...

this is a small filet crochet doily that I could make a scratch between el 'other because this year' s mosquitoes have made me their favorite food in the bank sea!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sub Woofer Box Silverado Regular Cab


The sweet BETTY wanted to give me the welcome back with this wonderful premium


In my time I spend a. ..

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Planterd Wrtd Topog Leg Inside

Hello! All right?
Living in a seaside town, 300 m from the beach I can not say that 'summer is stored ... but ... I miss you so much!
Now run to give me a ride in your beautiful blog!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Deodorant Not Tested On Animals

bombs .... donuts? Is always a failure!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .... every time I try to do this kind of sweet but I am a nervous nervous ... I tried all kinds of recipes ... I even grabbed one of the best pastries in the area (that between the ' everyone else can try it) but nothing to do ... I will always be a half ciofeche!

This recipe I found in a Romanian site LAURA ADAMACHE and see how beautiful ... taken me is something like!
seemed perfect ... leavened seemed they were about to explode ...
I did everything as directed, even I put in 'oil with a spatula to avoid sgonfialre but ...
nothing to do! To me these things are horribly deformed ... and then never once that I find that fine white stripe in the middle (photo tricks ...) JUST

The recipe comes from Laura
250 g flour 250 g flour 35 g sugar manitoba

60 g of butter into small cubes 1 egg

a peel 'orange zest (lemon I)
a sachet vanilla
35 g of yeast (I 25 g but it's too hot!)

7 g salt 250 g of hot water

- working together the flour, baking powder and 125 g of water
- Add an 'egg, the lozucchero butter, vanilla, and zest 'orange
- good work the' mix and finally add the last 125 g of water and salt
- let rise 30 minutes, apply an inch and cut into disks of about 12 cm
- let rise 2 hours then fry in oil hot
- sprinkle with powdered sugar

For my taste the sugar is just little bit, the texture is good but they seem more fritters donuts ...

take advantage of this post to tell you that we'll see maybe a little 'less but I am beginning to take to the beach and then are always in arrears with the chores ... a big kiss to all

Friday, June 26, 2009

Shaving During Herpes Outbreak


My friend ... these cards are for you ...
just to wish all the best in the world!
This now is a special birthday ...
See miracles do happen ...
A cow can sometimes become a little fairy ...
a Bettyrana a Bettyregina ...
you arrive kiss my little prince, but full of 'love that binds us
and the fact that we were born in exactly the same day it is perhaps not a coincidence ...
I wanted to write special words for you but what binds me to warm you want to sit deep in my heart ...
a kiss!