Friday, December 18, 2009

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social networks are a fad? Or the biggest change since the Industrial Revolution?
WelcomeAbout @ the Revolution!
In 2010, the generation "Y" will be greater than that of the "Babyboom"
96% of them are already in a social network. social networks have surpassed pornography as the number one activity on the Internet.
A pair of 8 of those who were married last year in the European Union have met in social networks.

years to reach 50 million
38 years: 13 years
the PHOD 4 years: 3 years
FACEBOOK reached 100 million users in less than 9 months
If Facebook were a country it would be the fourth most populous (China, India, USA, Facebook)
QZONE ... Although China is the largest, with 300 million of people using this service.

2009 study of U.S. Department of Education show that students improved on-line than those with normal education. A student on 6
higher education has put his resume on the Internet
80% of companies are using to search the main INSTRUMENTS LINKEDIN as employees.

The segment of companies with more growth in Facebook is that of women between 55 and 65. Ellen DeGeneres and Ashton Kutcher
have more followers on Twitter that the entire population of Norway, Ireland and Panama!
80% of the use of Twitter by mobile devices, users discount anywhere and at any time.

YOUTUBE is the second largest search engine in the world: 100,000,000 video.
Wiki is a Hawaiian term = fast! WKIPEDIA 13 million readers. Various studies show that is more accurate than the Encyclopedia Britannica. 78% of its articles are not in English. if you would pay a dollar for every article written on Wikipedia would earn $ 156.23 ... for now!

There are over 200,000,000 BLOG

54% of bloggers write or post Twitter messages daily.

25% of the results of research on 40 major global brands to bring content to users. 34% of bloggers write posts about products and brands.

people more value to the views of products and services in the blog that the position / classification that by Google.

78% of consumers trust recommendations from other people, only 14% trust advertising! only 18% of advertising generates positive feedback. 90% of users avoid ads.

HULU has increased from 63milioni reproductions 373milioni April 2008 to April 2009.

70% of people between 18 and 34 years have seen the TV on the Internet.

24 of the 25 most important newspapers recorded a drop in record sales.

What is happening? that we are no longer searching for information, but we found them! and in the future we will not longer manufactured or services, we will find in their social networks.

SOCIAL NETWORKS ARE NOT A FASHION, I AM A fundamental change in the form of a press. more than 1.5 million small pieces of content (links, news, post blogs, photos, etc.) are shared on Facebook ... DAILY!

the successful campaigns in social networks listen first and then sell!


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