Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How Many Energy Drinks Can You Drink In 24 Hours

The Wind Blows from the North Green

The day after the regional elections, which many have been likened to the "mid-test" the U.S., where voters usually give a warning to the ruling parties, with the warmth of consensus, as has happened recently in France, Italy continues to reward center even though all claim to have won or at least maintained their positions. But the novelty of this election is that for the first time, the center has not won by Silvio Berlusconi, but thanks to the league.
The results show an Italy divided geographically with North coalzione firmly in the hands of government, particularly through the League all'avvanzamento gaining portrone also the regions of Piedmont and Veneto. The center-left confirms the leadership of the central regions of Italy has always been strongholds of the Left, Tuscany, Liguria, Marche, Umbria and to which is added the great personal success Vendola in Puglia, and against the choices of centralizing PD scored and won the primary in a plebiscite
Another important sign is the strong turnout by the citizens in this election, a factor that often punishes teams right of center less rooted in the territory in the post-communist formations that make the strength of this closeness with the people.
The young mayor of Florence, Matteo Renzi, exposing the next generation of the PD said "the turnout and success of Cricket show that people are angry with us. Because the policy can no longer move." The list
"5 stars" promoted by Beppe Grillo was the novelty of this election gathering consensus in the few regions in which it was submitted, with the unexpected 4.1% in Piedmont and 7% in Emilia Romagna, cheering on his blog by the noted comic-guru, who now promises to get to the hunting of 10% and 4% to enter into the national parliament.
"The PDL held in front of a League unleashed, while the left has failed, it went ko," this is the comment of Umberto Bossi, adding that this result will not bring problems or tensions within the majority, but rather it will strengthen the call for reform. Inotre advance his candidacy to succeed Letizia Moratti, head of the city of Milan, but the allies dampen the spirits on this idea, referring to the decision in due course.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Magellan 101-095 Instructions

It Should not Hurt to Be a Child ... Alice

And now, what Should she do?

It's not your fault ...

entonces, ¿porque ya no puedo vivir?


Ya, the Sabia ...

It's not your fault.



I do not think so.

Friday, March 26, 2010

How Can You Tell If A Scorpio 1 Likesyou?

Susan Boyle System

What happens to the Italian music lately?! the top 10 is almost completely invaded by escaped characters (or even not yet) from the talent show.
what have we become?! a people whose primary source of information and is istuzione TV?! not that we are talking about people with no talent, absolutely no opinio on their singing ability. I just wonder if now to be appreciated by the general public necessarily have to compromise with the kind of public shame that is the mechanism of reality TV or pseudo reality. because we already know that people like to know the lives of "famous" ... even before they are! without realizing that it is precisely that which makes known their eagerness vouyeristica these praiseworthy strangers. but never has there been so great and intense popularity and economic success of these subjects. So what has changed since the X Factor was won by Aram Quartet and friends or by Giulia Ottonello?! What
changed the public in these few years? What did that people would start mass televoting Marco Valerio Scanu Charter and the Festival of Sanremo?!
not have an answer, I should make a thorough sociological study on a public way too broad. the most simplistic thing that comes to mind is that marketing is more and that the people are unfortunately very susceptible to this insidious form of power.

the thing I was heartened that in this star system to Susan Boyle, there is also someone who sometimes struggles to write his songs and even put some mild social critique

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Masterbate Before Bed


At a time when young people are certainly not known for their good manners, rather they are witnesses or not, small and large acts of violence quatidiana, this film seems to ride the wave of a company misleading and a childhood without color.
As usual, the northern European cinema does not disappoint in photography, portraits and images of beauty ... the weight of history and the original way of telling perhaps left something to be desired, at least to those who waited great film critics who had predicted. it is not a bad film, but left me in the mouth as well as a disappointing end as an episode of "Blue Night", a mixture of flavors already heard. the voiceover narration that runs through places almost no time and no space, cold and aseptic as human relationships of the characters, reminded me of the most famous village of Von Trier: Dogville! the fear of a neighbor of the family for good, having children grow. the fear that what we seem to know it is not that much. to trust seems to have become the greatest fear of modernity! and that's where the fear creates violence!
the symbolism of the white to accompany the trend consistently politically correct / incorrect characters Actually, it reminded me of the good old Funny Games instead.
two beautiful original split of companies taken to quote ... but with a little more, I guess.
the new element is education and not just coincidence that the protagonist is the teacher, who inspires, however, moves in history as a minor figure compared to the parent-child relationship and the gestures of anger and pain that cause with each other. the point is: do not just put a white tape on the heads of our children, hoping that someone else educates them in the name of the values \u200b\u200bthat we do not know him.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Soft Fuller Cervix Before Period Is Due

***... difficili sai che domande fai?

In your opinion, there is no way back from anorexia?

No. I do not think you can go back.
I do not think you can erase the hatred of a body that does not want, to live without fear of punish you for every breath you take, the feeling of splitting you in the mirror - that's not me - that I do not want to be me.

But I believe we can move forward.
I think we can win the right to choose between death and life, between solitude and love, the gap between reassurance and happiness that is frightening. And I believe we can find the courage to exercise it, this right of choice. And choose life, every day, every single day.

know that you can heal because I know people who have been cured ... but it's a constant struggle.
E. is having an affair, work hard, be happy;
C. wants to return to college, think about going to live alone and do not realize how beautiful now that her eyes light up when she smiles ...
Apparently they are "good", but is not automatic, you do not fall from the sky, do not you get out of bed one day saying, "It's over." Every day you wake up, you look in the mirror, see a huge belly, two legs obscenely fat, overflowing a sit and think "I want go back, I eat cabbage, "and when you think about it, you know you can not do so because they know it's a one-way trip with no possibility of intermediate stops ... and the destination is death.
So choose to live. Today. And tomorrow. And the next day. It is difficult. It is tremendously difficult. But inside you die has ceased to be a viable option.

"What is which do not agree to do to heal from anorexia? is the need to gain weight or is it something else? "

Here. Now it will seem crazy that I write.
I believe anorexia, bulimia, binge ... not have to do with weight, or with food. I mean, obviously not a great idea to fast for a week, clearing the kitchen binge, vomit until they break the stomach and esophagus ... is not normal to have 25 years and weigh less than your cousin's 9 or avoid air travel because with your 130 kg are there in the seat ...
MA is not the point. Maybe it was the beginning, when you decided to go on a diet, when you came back from gym class feeling fat ... but when you get sick when they are years - and years - that your whole life revolves around weight and food, you realize that weight and food are not the problem.

The problem is YOU. Is your fear, do not get to meet the extreme limits of perfection that you put yourself - and for some strange reason are now limits universal the problem is that it is so long that you're ill that you can not even think that there may be a life without DCA ... is not live so long that you've forgotten how.
few years ago a doctor specializing in eating disorders (and totally unable to understand them) asked me: Why not try to remember as you were anorexia? Why will not you take your life where anorexia has stopped?
Phenomenal. This is a genius, I thought. And I laughed.
Then at home I cried, thinking of his words.
How the hell do I take back my life from where you left off? I became ill at age 14, I 27. I skipped through adolescence, early adulthood. My friends fell in love, went to school, smoked some spinel, laughing, dancing in a club, leaving their boy, wept, fought, burned school, they were happy, they were sad, they were angry, tired and exhilarated.
I had a guy in 14 years, I left. The next I had 10 years later. In between hospitalizations up shelters, the hospital was closed when I was not at home studying, not eating or vomiting. I lost almost all trips school, I lost most of the last years of high school (six months in the clinic, three in school, 4 in the clinic, five in school ..), I've never anata at the disco (I dance? everyone will see that I'm fat!) , I never got high (horror makes you hungry!), I declined invitations to slumber parties, campiscuola, class dinners, ice cream with friends ... and now I come to say "take back your life where you left it? I am 27 years, I can now do things I should do at 15, and at the same time I can not behave as an almost thirty, because I have the experience behind that would allow me to do so.
That impressed me about the post Vikki , because I I sometimes feel locked: you can not fill the hole behind you, you do not have enough ground under his feet to take a step forward.
And I find myself paralyzed by fear, even of things that should be granted: even leaving home is sometimes a problem.

So I think that's what keeps eating disorder: it is more of a habit, more than shelter, more than a disease: it is the perception that is everything you know and have experienced, is to see that all Your memories are tied to it, it is noted that a large part of you. And to think that a disease is part of you think is the most disarming and sad in the world. Sa's surrender.
Although sad, it's awfully strong, and it takes enormous courage to let it go, because when you leave, you have nothing. Of course, you know that then you rebuild, you have feelings, and values, and responsibility, and a million other things in your life ... but healing is a leap in the dark. And you can not heal "just a little ', to feel more secure, you can not" live "with an eating disorder: if you do not come out sooner or later ricadi. And with each relapse

plunge further down:
first admission, 40 kg, weight recovery, I resign
second patient, 36 kg, recoveries ('re even good!), You resign
third 32 kg, recoveries (this time not so much, just about ten pounds),
come home fourth, 29 kg, ride in intensive care, in spite of everything remains alive. Whenever
below, each time closer to death ...
... and in moments of lucidity understand that the game is this: exit from anorexia before it kills you.

Alice *** if you got this far: thank you for your patience, and have asked questions that I had stopped to ask myself too ....
For those who feel like it: Cause I try to respond to questions you Alice?

big kiss to all ^ ^

Friday, March 19, 2010

Prancer Movie Free Online

No one like you ...

recent days: all equal, all equally empty of thoughts, encounters, life lived ... equally saturated by the food (too little> in> too> out), the junk programs on TV, from the hours staring at a monitor without understanding what I'm looking ... But
Yesterday ...

Sadness, feelings of abandonment, of hopelessness ... fear of being irreparably damaged something precious ...
And then ...
A spark, a word, phrase, perhaps even too much thought, that my head explodes like a revelation.

Nobody knows how you make me laugh,
no one like you know so much about me,
no one like you know how to share
my pain, my sadness, my will to live

You give me that gift of peace,
know myself to listen, to make me feel enveloped by the peace
You have the power to make me forget
fear that makes me look in the dark .

I felt stupid and amazed, as when one realizes something that was obvious, and that for some strange reason you are not taken into account.
With the difference that this was not obvious. It was not obvious, but it was - is - real * * * * and * this * * *.

Love is never granted, it is a miracle that turns every moment, which makes you wonder: how can
so much beauty, so much joy and a great desire to laugh and cry and sing and live ...
how can it all together ...
and how is it possible that all this FOR ME?

In silence and without saying a word
only one glance is enough to talk.

I felt deeply alone, only to realize that they are not.
Indeed yes, are the days when I have to vomit terribly alone, because it feeds on loneliness bulimia, bulimia and loneliness ...
and exclusion, and empty, and lack of communication, and
isolation and inability to accept themselves and others already, all too imperfect

all too messy, dirty and all too human

Despite my shut in hedgehog anyone caress me, at the cost of filling the wounds ... there is someone who listens even when I want to talk,
and even if I do not talk you know.
And when he does not understand or accept the silence the rambling words with a smile.
And when you can not smile, she says - with the words, eyes with a hug, with a sigh - she loves me.
spite of everything.

Not to mention, just watch,
we come to understand that never
no one and nothing will separate us in life.

I thought I had made a mess, I thought - as they are closed on myself - to have overwhelmed the only thing that spoke of love, sunshine and light in my life ... But inexplicably

're still here ...

Thanks ....
* * * You're My *

Wording For Black And White Ball Invitations

zeppole for Father's Day

Congratulations to all the fathers!
Festeggiamoli in sweetness!


250g of water 250 g butter 250g
farinna oo

7 eggs 1 pinch of salt

1) Heat up the butter cut into pieces in a pot with water and salt until that is not all mixed and boiling
2) Reduce flame, add the flour and stir until everything is detached from the walls
3) Allow to cool then add the eggs one at a time making them incorporate well. Need a little 'rule because the dough should be neither hard nor liquid so it may be necessary to add or remove a
4) Put the dough in a pastry bag with a nozzle stellamolto great, then on a baking tray lined with baking paper to make the classic bun with 2 or 3 laps
5) Bake in preheated 220 ° for 10 minutes or until the browning

Fill with pastry cream and a couple of cherries

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Streptococcus On Gums

What's better? BLOG CANDY

... just a tart with jam!
The recipe is straightforward, and each has its own but it 's mood is especially fragrant' s childhood! Good day sweetness!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Breastfeeding Old Man La Teta

towards a 'KNOWLEDGE

early nineties two large-scale phenomena have somehow begun to change the world: on the one hand, globalization and other technological revolution with the arrival of the Internet and information and communication technologies.
EU leaders have realized then the need for modernizing the European economy to compete with the United States and other major nations of the world.
thus bring together the European Council in Lisbon in 2000 to devise a strategy to make Europe the knowledge-based economy, most competitive and dynamic world. A key element in this strategy is the adaptation of education and training to offer learning opportunities tailored to individual citizens at all stages of their lives, thereby focusing on innovation and skill enhancement of human capital.
All agree in saying then that the future of Europe depends largely on the knowledge of its citizens, as political and traditional institutions are increasingly ill-equipped to deal with the consequences of globalization.
in Lisbon was then entered into a joint work program, shared by the Ministers of Education Union, which initiates a series of activities to make the European dimension in a normal reality in schools of various member states with a view to raising young people a sense of European identity and to prepare them for full participation in community development. "Most schools in Europe, more Europe in school" is the message.
In the process of European educational policies and training are therefore considered particularly central to the creation of a European citizenship that enhances the personality of each individual in respect of pluralism and diversity, the very diversity that are the heritage and richness the peoples of Europe.
Among the less positive aspects associated with this knowledge-based society to which we aspire, there may be a risk of increasing inequalities and social exclusion towards people with no a level of basic education, although large differences are still decreasing due to better schooling. A survey in 2006 examining the period between 2000 and 2004 shows that in Italy, for example, has doubled the number of graduates at a rate of 50% of our subscribers. Increase probably due to the introduction of university degrees to short-term under the Bologna Process in 1999 and implemented in Italy with the reform of the Zecchino November of that year.
This process of reform of European character that I mentioned, and just start Bologna and aims to achieve by 2010 a European Higher Education Area. At present there 45 participating countries and it is a great deal of convergence of the university systems.
The goal is that by 2010 the higher education systems are organized so as to ensure: •
the transparency of training and qualifications (and therefore easily comparable titles) •
real possibility for students and graduates continue their studies or find employment in another European country,
• increased attractiveness of European higher education to citizens of countries outside Europe
• offering a broad knowledge base of high quality ensure sustainable economic and social development.
The process is not based on an international treaty binding on the governments of various countries. Each minister in charge of Education adheres to the principles agreed voluntarily, driven only by the desire to achieve a common goal, which is not to approve any system of education but to maintain their specificity, albeit in a common framework.
Since 1999, considerable progress has been made, many European countries have already implemented structural reforms of their education systems while others are preparing to do so. But there are still many challenges ahead.
Among the obstacles to mobility remain, as always, those related to insufficient financial incentives.

Can I Get An Early Bfp If I Ovulated Early

Only a lie has been with me for a walk ... Cosa

spend the night awake, too tired to dream that in the space of a breath turn into nightmares and bring me back in the dark quiet of my room ...

I wake up crying, I wander around the house, turn on lights, computers, television, I watch the hours pass liquid ...
Then in the morning collapse.

15:46, reopens gli occhi. Sul cellulare, 2 messaggi and a chiamato non risposta.
C'è il sole, potrei uscire. O
appropriate Invece il frigo e Mangia. Vado in bath and vomiting. E Aspettando
un'altra notte.

In heaven there are beaches where you see the world go
where memories do not mourn
slowly come and go ...

Per Memy, Dony, Virgi, Cassy, \u200b\u200bNera ... e chi my Scrive:
scusate is sparisco is non commento, is non rispondo ...
per ora è meglio così, ora factional only damage ...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Heart Gold Rom Blogspo

The Enchanted Pumpkin - Jobs and Pies: anniversary + complete BLOG CANDY!

This morning I discovered a wonderful blog with a super candy ... I'll try!