Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How Many Energy Drinks Can You Drink In 24 Hours

The Wind Blows from the North Green

The day after the regional elections, which many have been likened to the "mid-test" the U.S., where voters usually give a warning to the ruling parties, with the warmth of consensus, as has happened recently in France, Italy continues to reward center even though all claim to have won or at least maintained their positions. But the novelty of this election is that for the first time, the center has not won by Silvio Berlusconi, but thanks to the league.
The results show an Italy divided geographically with North coalzione firmly in the hands of government, particularly through the League all'avvanzamento gaining portrone also the regions of Piedmont and Veneto. The center-left confirms the leadership of the central regions of Italy has always been strongholds of the Left, Tuscany, Liguria, Marche, Umbria and to which is added the great personal success Vendola in Puglia, and against the choices of centralizing PD scored and won the primary in a plebiscite
Another important sign is the strong turnout by the citizens in this election, a factor that often punishes teams right of center less rooted in the territory in the post-communist formations that make the strength of this closeness with the people.
The young mayor of Florence, Matteo Renzi, exposing the next generation of the PD said "the turnout and success of Cricket show that people are angry with us. Because the policy can no longer move." The list
"5 stars" promoted by Beppe Grillo was the novelty of this election gathering consensus in the few regions in which it was submitted, with the unexpected 4.1% in Piedmont and 7% in Emilia Romagna, cheering on his blog by the noted comic-guru, who now promises to get to the hunting of 10% and 4% to enter into the national parliament.
"The PDL held in front of a League unleashed, while the left has failed, it went ko," this is the comment of Umberto Bossi, adding that this result will not bring problems or tensions within the majority, but rather it will strengthen the call for reform. Inotre advance his candidacy to succeed Letizia Moratti, head of the city of Milan, but the allies dampen the spirits on this idea, referring to the decision in due course.


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