Sunday, March 14, 2010

Can I Get An Early Bfp If I Ovulated Early

Only a lie has been with me for a walk ... Cosa

spend the night awake, too tired to dream that in the space of a breath turn into nightmares and bring me back in the dark quiet of my room ...

I wake up crying, I wander around the house, turn on lights, computers, television, I watch the hours pass liquid ...
Then in the morning collapse.

15:46, reopens gli occhi. Sul cellulare, 2 messaggi and a chiamato non risposta.
C'è il sole, potrei uscire. O
appropriate Invece il frigo e Mangia. Vado in bath and vomiting. E Aspettando
un'altra notte.

In heaven there are beaches where you see the world go
where memories do not mourn
slowly come and go ...

Per Memy, Dony, Virgi, Cassy, \u200b\u200bNera ... e chi my Scrive:
scusate is sparisco is non commento, is non rispondo ...
per ora è meglio così, ora factional only damage ...


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