Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sonic Toothbrush Compare


Nothing real, nothing new, nothing more than what you hear
in a little while, in a moment of weakness
the same constant error, a step forward and two steps back
the same stone in a journey of which I do not see the end

As we continue like yesterday, fleeing from a reality
to which I am not a genius, or perhaps it is you who should not be a genius to me
Laughing to forget, for crying need
and even if I did not want to lie to
I did not even tell the truth

Perhaps there is too much pain in me
too little courage
to tell you goodbye

Already ... do not you ever say goodbye.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Fanfic Sasusaku High School

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Lotiony Hard Cervical Mucous


imagine a hand luggage and a plane waiting for you ... what would you take with you in your life? ! what would you get in a backpack to carry around?! is the classic question about the most important things in life, those who do not want to give up. Well this film a terrifyingly real answer to this question.

imagine all the things you care about ... the photos, objects, and then the clothes and even some furniture ... then imagine the people, from what made you smile just once in the force that gives you every day . knapsack on his back that we started to become unbearable and the airlines bloodsucking ladies of acid will easily find an excuse to not let us pass. so what! what to leave home?! what we really need?!

spend our whole life to accumulate these things without thinking that after we weigh on his shoulders to keep us moving. and movement is life according to the character of this brilliant film by Jason Reitman that despite the success has not lost the freshness it had in Juno and kept in Thank You for Smoking!

like his previous films this one has a little bittersweet imprint that makes people unafraid of humans. human beings who make mistakes, which are under the illusion that change ideas, and that life sometimes brings on his feet. the harsh reality, but always with humor!

anhée a keen eye can find good ideas to think about how technology gives us the opportunity to be more stable and potentially close to our loved ones, but at the same time more and more alone. is the conviction of Ryan (George Clooney), the company has no need of humanity that turns the world telling people that was fired. Humanity is an option in the era of video conferencing. so this strange man is confronted with real life and for a moment think that if you fill that famous luggage of people would be happier ... I would be yes, if only he had a real life! if it was not only a perentesi between a check in the other! if he had heard even one minute at home in something that did not have wings.

not having a house you do not have a refrigerator on which to attach your photos, there are no objects that are transformed into memories and you do not have contact persons if you want to get away from it. that there is more free and aseptic at the same time??! THE SKY

ps: Pour happiness can be imagined that a child is watching the red light at the tip of the wing of your plane thinking it's a star!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pasta Express Replacement Parts

when the music is collective (2003)

my address book "under way" continues with a photo of one of my first (of many) large collective experience of fun. eheheheh .... the concert in Rome on May 1. this was the sea of \u200b\u200bpeople I saw around me in a strange atmosphere of exhilarating freedom and fearful claustrophobia.

who knows how many of the protagonists of this human landscape will now have to shuttle between employment agencies Interim?! how many will be exploited and underpaid?! how many years will go ahead with contrattini a few months or regional subsidies?! who will run the world in search of a road that will change often?!

celebrate May 1 as a student I had never really understand the real meaning of this feast. only now maybe I could live this event with proper respect!

Vuze Causing Computer Problems

H arta. . . all ...

Dime tú La Razón de Porque Sigo aquí, Aunque me is abrasive Jaula no intention salir ...
Tell me why I'm still here, though, even if I open the cage, do not try to go out ..

Today I have good reason to play it straight, I have a good reason not to binge and vomit, not to spend all day between the kitchen and bathroom ...
Yet I do the same.

go out tonight, tonight will be a great night tonight ... now I can not think anymore tonight.

Sara died yesterday.

When the phone rang I said merry, and when I heard M. I cry the smile froze on his lips.
When I met her, Sara was walking in a strange way, he spoke in a strange way ... I had a paralysis, he said, Sara was 2 times in intensive care, and came out with a 'ataxia that gradually decreased and a desire to fight that gradually increased.
was discharged, returned home, was hospitalized again, and then another and another. Together we
started to make a mosaic, she has done, not me. He looked in the mirror framed by all those tiles, and said it was nice to smile at inside.

I do not see Sara for almost 5 years, and the last time that he still had his turtleneck sweater to hide the scars of parenteral ... and that smile, that he learned to use, like all of us, to hide the scars of pain.
We felt sometimes, and she was never discussed with the healing ... but to feel good, yes. We speak with the disillusionment of the "veterans", who has a long history in the decades DCA ... do not know if we still believe, if we really can get out ... but we have never ceased to desire peace, even if the result of precarious balance, and always to the limit. Sara never says "I'm fine", but like me does not say "I feel bad" have fear of the other is not exposed too much ever, it is not vulnerable. So when I ask how he is, I'm happy if I said that going to school, working, who went on holiday ... when it falls into the vortex of obsession has nothing to tell me.

When I have been sick the last time, I cut all the bridges, even with Sara.
Then, twenty days ago, M. Sara told me that was not well, that she was hospitalized again, in psychiatry, after attempting suicide.
Saretta I understand, I too am so tired ... but I have not looked, I asked for her number, I was afraid I thought I heard a voice that I recognized, that he might not understand my words, or, worse still, would not know who to talk to ...

No, not remorse, I know I would not change anything ... I know too well how it works, I know all too quell'apatia, ignorance everyone and everything ... I know that when you reach the end only a miracle can save you, because nothing can keep you alive if you are to let her go.
not remorse, but I can not think of you, Saretta ... and Erika, you cried a lot when she's gone ... and Constance, thou hast not known, but you looked like so much ...

And I wonder: what now? Who will now?

Friday, January 22, 2010

What Size Welding Wire To Weld Roll Pan On Truck?

MAH ...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel helpless ... the money disappeared from my phone credit ... so I found out that vodafone extorts me almost daily since December to 1.29 € hypothetical WAP connection ... You want to explain that I would never, ever dreamed of waking in the night to do that, that given my advanced age usually sleep at night ... nothing to do! Loboctomizzate ladies that seem to tell me that it's my fault that I connect evidentementemi without realizing it and I could give them this right if it were not for the fact that it is not sleepwalking ...
Then the fault of the phone that has a virus but the problem is that the money I shall be taken even if the phone is switched off or even removed the sim is ... "this lady says she is not certified!" In the end I removed the service to other MSM that I have never used because according to them it all starts from there! Reimbursement needless to talk about it!
Then I hear that other people it happened again ... and then ... I doubt very much doubt it! So who would cause the giant Vodafone for € 20!
eye in any case where there money disappear from the credit ...
Meanwhile, I am angry and very nearly an alert codacoms to do it!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Why Guys Spread Legs Standing

sfogliette apple

Hello to all ... okay?

are hardly present
but how can I step in your wonderful blog ...
Yesterday I had an invitation to 'improvise a little time ... my friend has no intention to introduce empty-handed! For these
sfogliette No particular recipe, you only need a roll of puff pastry, 3-4 apples cut into chunks and cooked with a knob of butter and two tablespoons of sugar. Drain the cooking liquid, fit the shape of sfogliette and bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees. Then sprinkle with powdered sugar.
I find them very sensitive, simple and always welcome!

Monday, January 11, 2010

1966 Convertible Hydraulic Disabled

Incubi (Camilla, 1) Bobby

to self-harm (or self-directed aggression) means to infer the direct and intentional injury to the tissues of the body, without the will to commit suicide .*

It is the latest specification they all seem to ignore. When someone sees them in his arms, Camilla feels lost in eyes in disbelief: in those eyes float pain, pity, fear .
"No, I have tried to kill me. And, no, not dangerous, do not hurt the people ": this would mean Camilla, when you read the fear in his eyes that stare, and almost ashamed of these scars ....
As if the fact of doing evil in itself necessarily imply the potential to affect the safety of others.

He started to cut in 13 years, just for fun, he thought, but the relief that made her see the blood, the sense of power and quiet, was not a game, than they have ever been. Camy
now knows why it started, now no longer a mystery: he wanted to drown in the blood something greater than herself, who has overwhelmed, has broken , left her gasping, choking with fear.

And then it worked.
When fear was unbearable, he cut, not eating, was vomiting.
Then he stopped cutting: the sense of absolute control of anorexia has wrapped, protected, carried, or no longer needed injury, fasting, bingeing and vomiting are now all-encompassing, gradually filling in all, every aspect of his life by deleting emotions, burying the joy, enthusiasm, affection, but also anxiety and fear.

So, it was devastating for her last winter rediscovering what had carefully removed, who believed buried, decomposed, gone, as it had disappeared from his thoughts. Two weeks is enough time to bring everything to light as a revival, frightening and distressing, and she felt slingshot back 10 years, and has revised terrified, helpless and crushed against a wall, with no possibility escape. He stopped again to eat, every bite sticks in the throat a knife, he stopped to sleep, just fall asleep in a nightmare never ended. Does not study, does not go to class, he stopped going out, crying with every word, every gesture ... then falls asleep with the loud music in his ears, to cover everything, until the next nightmare.
fifth day, and finds a knife in his hand from his wrist falling drops ax on the table, one after another ... she looks at them and fall feels at peace.

This we ask everyone. It is conceivable, rational, self-harm for something that is suffered. And it is not punishment, is an 'immunization'. Camy is cut, it feels the blade down, the pain that goes back, like a wave warm from the wrist, and when the blood begins to flow in torrents, when it begins to fall, then repeat to himself that it was not so terrible, and feels safe: I can control the pain, again, I can control my fear , as others do me wrong, it will not be worse than that.

clings to this, when she wakes up crying and can not feel safe, when passing day to binge and vomit, and cry, look in the mirror: when food is not enough to stop the vortex, pain of the blade that gets under your skin makes them feel the limit, beyond which nothing can touch the ; makes you think these wounds will protect those that have been inflicted.

But the pain does not immunize pain.
Only add new pain.

* Deliberate self-injury is defined as the intentional, direct injuring of body tissue without suicidal intent. (Klonsky ED., The functions of deliberate self-injury: a review of the evidence. Clin Psychol Rev. 2007 Mar; 27 (2) :226-39. Epub 2006 Oct 2. Review)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Can You Use Old Canned Chicken Broth?

I do not want more as a "friend"!

least because of my work I happen to think a bit about what has become the magical world of Facebook and I also discovered that there are many people who studied this phenomenon also in sociology. Type for instance last week we did a panel discussion on the subject, mediated by a sociologist. He gave us some simple questions like:

has changed your relationship with the social network since the time that you enrolled in now?

What prompted you to iscivervi to facebook?

who think when you write your status or make a post on facebok?

What is the tool for you "like"?

you wish there was also the "I do not like? why do not you consider setting it up?

facebook as you'd imagine a real, real?

add to your friends or anyone who asks you to do a sort of friendship is selection?

often went to peek in the profiles of your contacts? What motivates you to do?

facebook is freedom of speech or slavery in an identity constructed?

build identity in a social network is how to build it in reality? even there sometimes pretend to be what we are not!

facebook = information or communication? entertainment or simply an end in itself?

how many of the news in recent times have come to know through facebook, and only after newspapers and TV?!

as there has facebook helped to maintain contact with people who tenevate and that otherwise would have missed? and if you think that facebook did not exist would the lost?

what do you think this trend will continue for the media? if you think it is just a fad!

and what comes next?

What comes next ????? Good question ... I read an interesting article some time ago said that the success of Facebook is turning in his condemnation. the charm of this fabulous tool is lost when you get requests for friendship from your parents! eheheehh ...

many people think that this platform has passed the limit. now the advertising campaigns are launched on Facebook and even those elections do nothing but ridicule politicians who left parliament in demagoguery on facebook communicate as teenagers!

According to a survey of multinational comScore, the average minutes that young people aged 18 to 24 years spend related to Facebook fell 16% in September this year! a fall that began in July and appears to replace!

people begin to realize they have a disproportionate number of "friends" and did not know what to do ... assuming that most of these do not add anything to their daily lives apart clog their home page!

this sort of rejection of this tide of contacts to facebook caused it to be coined the neologism UNFRIEND (neologism is not that much since kindergarten is that I say I unaccompanied!), Who came to the New Oxford American Dictionary was chosen as the word of the year 2009!
great scholars of the subject say that Facebook will die soon ... if only for the costs involved. the rest do not forget that until recently we were dependent on msn now?! now who opens it again!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Can Chickenpox Delay Your Menstrual Cycle?

I see you! AVATAR

In Italy they are still waiting because of strange dynamics of cinepanettoni typically Italian ... but I had the chance to see him here in Spain and I must say the truth that so much publicity surrounding a movie like this makes you really want to go to the movies. I honestly expected more from a Cameron who had brought me to the movies more than once with his Titanic at the time ... starting with the basic story, very very naive for someone on youtube compared with no mistakes (I think) to Pocahontas !
for example this video juxtaposes the audio of the video of the Avatar cartoon! and all back! ehehe

yenki dimwitted soldier who wants to be a hero and return freedom who has lost with his body, infiltrate a tribe of ingideni who welcomed him in good faith and shaped like a fighter. at the end of the stony heart of marine melts under the gaze of his new golden people, and then try to retrieve the error made!

a basis upon which this was played recently on the issue of inflated very modern confusion between reality and fiction, real life and virtual life, etc. etc.. the point is that everything is very shallow, the dialogue is practically non-existent and the only thing that is really worth is 3D with a lot of colors, beautiful scenery and special effects! Strange how this is the third dimension, but totally lacks empathy!

the few times Cameron tries to make the most serious narrazzione with demagogic speeches in a fight to Apocalypse Now and the other nearly .... ridiculous! words were never empty and never more characters were so poorly characterized!
one of the few interesting ideas in my opinion has been treated with superficiality, the indigenous people called the ships ... have a very direct connection with nature, practically living energy of this land and destroying their bodies are switched off and return to earth. one side of the film that could be treated better, the inspiration was all philosophical! But Cameron has had too many things too quickly and wanted to get in one film as usual makes his film jumbles of good ideas poorly developed.

altretutto if I could give advice to this much acclaimed film director I would have said to reduce a little time and I would have liked if the film had ended with the phrase that says more realistic towards the end that the protagonist is nice to dream but sooner or later it's time to wake up !"... and that's how it goes, so goes the reality, so that history teaches that all minorities have been eliminated and that the strongest always wins. I hate happy endings, this is one that has been forcibly brought. and forcing all you see!

another thing very often had the quotes film ... like the battle to the sound of Ride of the Valkyries or the continuous connect and disconnect to the "reality" Matrix-style! and even the eye to the front end reminds me Lost! God knows we chose not to steal a bit of luck to these films!

able to capture the Italian public to fill up this Pandora's box?! ;)
ps: I nevertheless recommend to go and see why at least it's an entertainment well done!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lamination Costs At Staples

I was on the stairs today after a bike ride. Not hyperactivity time, I was only very late. Chill out, and lots of light ... then the hallway stairs, I stopped to look for the keys. And I heard two strong beats, pulsating throat and temples, I no longer saw the keys, I no longer saw the door ... I reached out and found the railing just in time.
few seconds after I turned the key, I entered, I sat down.

are not falling this time, not like I woke up after centuries or moments ... but the fear is back.
Only now is not the same fear.

The image of me at 30 kg is always in my eyes, I carry it in my head like a terrible nostalgia, as an omen as to avoid ... and is a snap: a word, a picture, a day of fatigue, and I still feel like then. I can feel the fear of not succeeding, the fear I had that my body gave way, because - I thought - if I admitted to faint and throw me into a force that filth ... fear of the tube and injecting fear into those fixed and thick white drops coming down from the bag and down inside of me ... the idea of \u200b\u200bliving nn was covered every day could be the last, and I wanted it to be strongly.

But the fear now, when I heard I was going to fall, that was not afraid ... was not afraid of losing control, to reveal weak to be saved.

was afraid to lose. Losing something, losing everything.
Lose the smile on her lips and heart as I pedaled, and I thought our conversation. Losing
embrace that still came with me, that feeling of being loved, anyway.

And lose the last sleepless nights passed between 1000 application, and the desire for something more. Losing the looks of F., his awkward gestures, the feeling of something that could happen.

The fear of living has become afraid of not live long enough, of not loving enough, not to see, touch, sing, laugh enough.

And I realize how many light years have passed, I am realize that I would not have understood these words only a few months ago ... I realize that St. right: I'm in love ... and not (only) of a person, but what I have, of what we now feel, some days when the keyboard floods of tears, and the mornings that the sun wakes me with a smile.

I'm in love of my life, and love that fills it, who always finds the way, even among the disappointments, the feeling of loneliness and who still feel the disgust in the mirror.

is three days that I eat regularly, without throwing anything. It is not because I must do it, nn is why I gave up, I do not feel like before, when she was a dreadful defeat .... is that I have feeling of having too much to lose, and they did not want to miss.