Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lamination Costs At Staples

I was on the stairs today after a bike ride. Not hyperactivity time, I was only very late. Chill out, and lots of light ... then the hallway stairs, I stopped to look for the keys. And I heard two strong beats, pulsating throat and temples, I no longer saw the keys, I no longer saw the door ... I reached out and found the railing just in time.
few seconds after I turned the key, I entered, I sat down.

are not falling this time, not like I woke up after centuries or moments ... but the fear is back.
Only now is not the same fear.

The image of me at 30 kg is always in my eyes, I carry it in my head like a terrible nostalgia, as an omen as to avoid ... and is a snap: a word, a picture, a day of fatigue, and I still feel like then. I can feel the fear of not succeeding, the fear I had that my body gave way, because - I thought - if I admitted to faint and throw me into a force that filth ... fear of the tube and injecting fear into those fixed and thick white drops coming down from the bag and down inside of me ... the idea of \u200b\u200bliving nn was covered every day could be the last, and I wanted it to be strongly.

But the fear now, when I heard I was going to fall, that was not afraid ... was not afraid of losing control, to reveal weak to be saved.

was afraid to lose. Losing something, losing everything.
Lose the smile on her lips and heart as I pedaled, and I thought our conversation. Losing
embrace that still came with me, that feeling of being loved, anyway.

And lose the last sleepless nights passed between 1000 application, and the desire for something more. Losing the looks of F., his awkward gestures, the feeling of something that could happen.

The fear of living has become afraid of not live long enough, of not loving enough, not to see, touch, sing, laugh enough.

And I realize how many light years have passed, I am realize that I would not have understood these words only a few months ago ... I realize that St. right: I'm in love ... and not (only) of a person, but what I have, of what we now feel, some days when the keyboard floods of tears, and the mornings that the sun wakes me with a smile.

I'm in love of my life, and love that fills it, who always finds the way, even among the disappointments, the feeling of loneliness and who still feel the disgust in the mirror.

is three days that I eat regularly, without throwing anything. It is not because I must do it, nn is why I gave up, I do not feel like before, when she was a dreadful defeat .... is that I have feeling of having too much to lose, and they did not want to miss.


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