Saturday, January 9, 2010

Can You Use Old Canned Chicken Broth?

I do not want more as a "friend"!

least because of my work I happen to think a bit about what has become the magical world of Facebook and I also discovered that there are many people who studied this phenomenon also in sociology. Type for instance last week we did a panel discussion on the subject, mediated by a sociologist. He gave us some simple questions like:

has changed your relationship with the social network since the time that you enrolled in now?

What prompted you to iscivervi to facebook?

who think when you write your status or make a post on facebok?

What is the tool for you "like"?

you wish there was also the "I do not like? why do not you consider setting it up?

facebook as you'd imagine a real, real?

add to your friends or anyone who asks you to do a sort of friendship is selection?

often went to peek in the profiles of your contacts? What motivates you to do?

facebook is freedom of speech or slavery in an identity constructed?

build identity in a social network is how to build it in reality? even there sometimes pretend to be what we are not!

facebook = information or communication? entertainment or simply an end in itself?

how many of the news in recent times have come to know through facebook, and only after newspapers and TV?!

as there has facebook helped to maintain contact with people who tenevate and that otherwise would have missed? and if you think that facebook did not exist would the lost?

what do you think this trend will continue for the media? if you think it is just a fad!

and what comes next?

What comes next ????? Good question ... I read an interesting article some time ago said that the success of Facebook is turning in his condemnation. the charm of this fabulous tool is lost when you get requests for friendship from your parents! eheheehh ...

many people think that this platform has passed the limit. now the advertising campaigns are launched on Facebook and even those elections do nothing but ridicule politicians who left parliament in demagoguery on facebook communicate as teenagers!

According to a survey of multinational comScore, the average minutes that young people aged 18 to 24 years spend related to Facebook fell 16% in September this year! a fall that began in July and appears to replace!

people begin to realize they have a disproportionate number of "friends" and did not know what to do ... assuming that most of these do not add anything to their daily lives apart clog their home page!

this sort of rejection of this tide of contacts to facebook caused it to be coined the neologism UNFRIEND (neologism is not that much since kindergarten is that I say I unaccompanied!), Who came to the New Oxford American Dictionary was chosen as the word of the year 2009!
great scholars of the subject say that Facebook will die soon ... if only for the costs involved. the rest do not forget that until recently we were dependent on msn now?! now who opens it again!


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