Thursday, January 7, 2010

Can Chickenpox Delay Your Menstrual Cycle?

I see you! AVATAR

In Italy they are still waiting because of strange dynamics of cinepanettoni typically Italian ... but I had the chance to see him here in Spain and I must say the truth that so much publicity surrounding a movie like this makes you really want to go to the movies. I honestly expected more from a Cameron who had brought me to the movies more than once with his Titanic at the time ... starting with the basic story, very very naive for someone on youtube compared with no mistakes (I think) to Pocahontas !
for example this video juxtaposes the audio of the video of the Avatar cartoon! and all back! ehehe

yenki dimwitted soldier who wants to be a hero and return freedom who has lost with his body, infiltrate a tribe of ingideni who welcomed him in good faith and shaped like a fighter. at the end of the stony heart of marine melts under the gaze of his new golden people, and then try to retrieve the error made!

a basis upon which this was played recently on the issue of inflated very modern confusion between reality and fiction, real life and virtual life, etc. etc.. the point is that everything is very shallow, the dialogue is practically non-existent and the only thing that is really worth is 3D with a lot of colors, beautiful scenery and special effects! Strange how this is the third dimension, but totally lacks empathy!

the few times Cameron tries to make the most serious narrazzione with demagogic speeches in a fight to Apocalypse Now and the other nearly .... ridiculous! words were never empty and never more characters were so poorly characterized!
one of the few interesting ideas in my opinion has been treated with superficiality, the indigenous people called the ships ... have a very direct connection with nature, practically living energy of this land and destroying their bodies are switched off and return to earth. one side of the film that could be treated better, the inspiration was all philosophical! But Cameron has had too many things too quickly and wanted to get in one film as usual makes his film jumbles of good ideas poorly developed.

altretutto if I could give advice to this much acclaimed film director I would have said to reduce a little time and I would have liked if the film had ended with the phrase that says more realistic towards the end that the protagonist is nice to dream but sooner or later it's time to wake up !"... and that's how it goes, so goes the reality, so that history teaches that all minorities have been eliminated and that the strongest always wins. I hate happy endings, this is one that has been forcibly brought. and forcing all you see!

another thing very often had the quotes film ... like the battle to the sound of Ride of the Valkyries or the continuous connect and disconnect to the "reality" Matrix-style! and even the eye to the front end reminds me Lost! God knows we chose not to steal a bit of luck to these films!

able to capture the Italian public to fill up this Pandora's box?! ;)
ps: I nevertheless recommend to go and see why at least it's an entertainment well done!


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