Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mobile Al Cruise Spots

Twenty of the Civil War from the Past!

Rome - 14 Dec - While the parliamentarians were again confirming its confidence in the government Berlusconi, on the streets of the capital just a short walk from the palaces of power, demonstrators have carried out a wave of guerrilla warfare and acts of vandalism to protest the them said to the choices of elected deputies and senators. This group manifested
began to destroy and burn everything that's happened to shooting, members of the police over the symbols according to their economic power, banks and shops. According to the Confcommercio of Rome : "The first estimate of the damage is estimated at 15-20 million euro Toilets routes, theft, failure to collect one day, damage to structures and no-shows in the hotels . The mayor of the capital Gianni Alemanno, who said that the city of Rome will be a civil party, confirmed the estimates of the damages and asks that the Government to make a special appropriation for "compensate merchants who have paid for all ". But some, such as claims that these damage were significantly overestimated .

The student protest does not stop, university again Wednesday in protest against the approval of the Senate on the Ddl Gelmini university reform stating that "We do not accept the red zone and we will try to violate it again, our moves during the marches are always placed before, in public meetings: what happened Tuesday was not expected: the tension erupted after a vote of confidence among all parts of society. " Today

sections of the Court of Rome, where on Thursday morning were held jobs are prohibited against the 23 arrested following clashes have made provisions for the immediate release of all protestors accept the request of the defense. Argumentative Mayor Gianni Alemanno " protest on behalf of the city of Rome to this decision, There is a deep sense of injustice because what has happened requiring a very different firm, not minimizing the seriousness of the facts that you give the right signal to counter the spread of political violence in our city while it is clear that these people have shown be subject to dangerous for the community .

Friday, November 19, 2010

Is Incest Happens In Real Life

Per te ... Credo che il

** TQ **

Monday, November 15, 2010

Connecting An External Hard Drive To A Sony Tv

chiuderò blog

Lately is fashion.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Cream To Heal Broken Capillaries


So ... I begin with the "Relay of Friendship," by Alice passatami *** (thanks Alice!), which, based on an idea of \u200b\u200bContra, was created with the intent to "know better, or learn something here not 'told' cause when we do not yet know existed. " Voilà (questions and) my answers:

  • When the teachers and the Professor, and relatives asked us little ", and you? What would you like to be?" What did you say? What have you dreamed of doing over and over again? How many jobs? How many dreams?
As someone I know would say, "Too many there are!" : O) cmq stages "highlights" were: the hairdresser, the nurse, the volleyball player, a teacher, doctor, philosopher, and electronic igegnere ... then eventually won the medical o)
  • What were your favorite cartoons as a child? Which games you enjoy? With dolls or cook with earth and rocks, the perfect lunch for your friends or anything?
Cartons: Mila Shiro, Kiss me Licia, Magica Emy, and then the wonderful classic Tom and Jerry, Tweety and Sylvester, Will Coyote and Road Runner (hehehe I still love these!)
Games: Lego (grandiosi!), the ball (to play volleyball, or ball prisoner with other children), bicycles, roller skates my legendary (when they were not yet online), Camilla my doll, my poor cat (but has not suffered too much thing, since he died only last year to 17 years).
  • What was your most beautiful birthday and why?
Mmmhhh ... I would say 17 º, 21 º and the last ...
The 17th (may sound crazy) because I was hospitalized for months in a clinic for eating disorders, and for the birthday they made me go on leave ... with a special friend with whom I shared a terrible time and other beautiful ... In short, we went into town, we had a great time, I have made the purple and pink streaks, the third ear hole and the return we messed up at midnight at the clinic. The 21 º
I spent with my parents ... no party amazing, no invitations, just my family ... and one day I was happy to be with them.
Last ... the twenty-eighth (oh old mother who I am ...) I spent with my love ... and it was wonderful. I was congratulated with a kiss at midnight, and then It was a day of relaxation, pampering and laughter. (I know ... read nandi, TQT!)
  • What are the things that you absolutely do not have yet?
graduate, beginning with the specialty, having a baby, living in Spain. The last thing ultimately falters, the child ... I know that is impossible, however, oh well. I write the same.
  • What was your first sporting passion or not? Before
sporting passion: basketball. Non-sports: a clear reading, and then the origami.
  • What was the first musical idol?
Hahaha now I'll laugh ... Roberto Vecchioni, followed by Claudio Baglioni, the Cranberries and Alanis Morissette.
  • The best thing requested (and if received) from Saint Lucia or ChristmasHamper? The
Sapientino to eight years, and my cat to 10 (that is, he got kind in July, but officially it was the Christmas present early or late No one has ever understood).

Well, I ended questions ... I just have to turn it ... hoping that meets qualuno o)
Then, rolling past a:

The Flower of Evil
Mari (with special thanks ... one day I'll explain why)

It is missing two, so anyone who reads and is interested in participating feel free to do so: o)
The rules are: to respond to questions (if you want ), and relay them to 10 people (if you find them), links on the blog page (Minerva six exonerated by linkage). Oh, and stick the figurine purple (this:)

which is the "logo" qs relay. I think it's everything.

Speaking topic: for a change have gone a bit 'Cause I was fine, a little' because then I was better. Disastrous period (from the point of view food), but enlightened by the presence of this wonderful person ... then after he started to go better with food, and more everything else. Now go "pretty well", I was in Rome a lot of time in Barcelona four days (and I did the swim in November, in shirt and pants ... hahaha that laugh, the water was cold ..) , I ate paella and Lindor, pasta rice bread biscuits, lots of vegetables, yogurt, actually a bit 'of everything without making noise.
Today I came back, but with a lot of happy nostalgia ... and I have to start studying.

I go to sleep now - I made a promise, I must be to bed in 20 minutes .. . Goodnight all

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dance Songs Of 2010 For A Talent Show

generation phenomena

two months of absence from my personal space and I must say that despite all these new social platforms on which to account, this is what we always tend to leave before others, but most of all I would hate to lose. why did you say?! is very simple ... the future requires us to be more and more synthetic ... after blogs have developed means much faster and less demanding in dialectical endeavor that obviously much less the mind. Facebook has taken over a lengthy articles in which we can very well replace short comments that people can make an even more immediate feedback and in turn very undemanding: the "I like it! to Facebook then he added that Twitter brings us almost to forget any mandatory rule grammar to be able to bring our "mini" thoughts in just 140 characters chirping.
as always I am a critic and a victim of these times we live in but sometimes I am also the "silence time" in which to stop and think about why not to write. I realize that infuses so I'm happy to be part of a middle generation, those who grew up going to play in the yard of pals after their front door intercom, but it has also approached the first few times with the opposite sex thanks to sms. short, despite the progress that has been able to live it his age with the romance of the case.
Now, I will not deny that all the tools I received does not like them, but I realize that the younger generation lacks that bit of critical thinking that comes from having been present for the evolution of such instruments. what follows in this progress so quickly is precisely the feeling of almost unbridgeable distance between the generations are very close. Because in the end always change between generations occurred thanks to innovative discoveries or inventions that changed life styles, but as long as happened every 20 years it was quite normal. But now we are faced with a changing continuously and so a few years can submits an eternity!
The funny thing is that if we put it like this, I often find myself making speeches far from "old", but to be considered by today's society is still a big baby and then a person in a position to make speeches Old as it is not able to find a decent job, nor can imagine a near future.
so I use my dear old blog space to dwell as it is no longer fashionable and to vent all those young people so damn 80's version of class 1992 we are stealing the place of "young "..... although maybe I should get me more with those around us denying our rightful place of "adult"!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Brookstone U Control Spinning

നന്ദി (nandi)

means "thank you" in Malayalam, a language spoken in southern India.
Someone told me one day that it's nice to hear me speak English, why is the language of my soul ... today I say, I write these words in Malayalam, which is the language of the soul of a special person ... writing and still feel his voice singing in this language ... songs that do not understand yet I feel the meaning, because "when you do not understand the words is even better, because you listen with your heart and not with the mind" ...

do not have a good reason for being gone for so long ... in fact I have a lot of reasons, but none good enough to use it and no excuse.
In recent months, not much has changed, yet everything has changed: my eating disorder has had carte blanche, and as a naughty child made me angry, preoccuoare, spending entire nights in white ... likely discover me and unbearable, cry and blow it to hell.
The study ... he left behind: no examinations at the June meeting, nothing in this Sept. 1, and I'll have me to do something to record later this month ...
But while this part of my life is falling apart, another is born again, born even now ...

I'm living a love story ... strange, "abnormal", a deep and beautiful ...
'E' to me ... well in mathematics ... I have always liked the exceptions!
... the rules, never. "
just that people do not understand the mica always exceptions ... so you find yourself on the street, to think (and fear of) things that should not happen ... to having to justify with people, confused by your label out of bounds ... to take a smile shot, when they frantically try to stick on another.
That which has no precise definition, that is not framed, not is controllable.
Being out of control.

I returned to Rome, 5 days and a half incredible. I laughed a lot, I saw people after almost ten years ... I brought her inside me, and embrace them again was wonderful.
"You were a child, and I was afraid for you ... now I am not afraid, because I know you have many things to fight for" I lost count of the times I've embraced Ale, which is not believed to see me like that, and I did not look so pretty true friendship, born of so little.
E Pao, laugh with you, laugh so much, we laughed so much even when they lead the way for the tears ... and now ... this sense of the storm passed, the "Nonetheless, we still ... the perception of loving even in the absence of reasons "logical" ...

Finally ... these wonderful people ... that three months ago into my life.
A sea of \u200b\u200bsweetness, of small gestures of attention ... pages of written words, spoken words and hours of ...
How much hair you have, you can not count
move the bottle and let me look
if a lot of hair, you can trust.
fall asleep while someone whispers a song for me ... wake wrapped in a hug ...
forget the nightmares, and stops at the pedestrian light, or sitting in a subway car without a good reason to smile ... And
cover photos ... can photograph a kiss? a thought, a look? I hate my pictures, I love the shots that made things and landscapes, now dissolve in front of me with the tenderness of these photos ...
And the alarm sounds at dawn, get full of sleep but happy ... and close the door and already feel a lack, and counting the hours to the arrival of a train, and after realizing that it does not hurt to leave as someone starting ...
E. .. my things scattered in his house, my mess in your order, say at the same time the same sentence ... words that I never used, nor do I think you can use.
E. .. of all this, what surprises me most is that I am not afraid. I who live for years in fear, conviction of having to defend against everything and everyone ... I have been lying, I run, I give up, I give, I surrender to fear ...
more love you have, the more the divine is expressed through you. Less love you have, the more fear you have, the more you move from city life. The absence of fear, indeed, is one of the great qualities of one who really loves.

നന്ദി ...

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Vlc Player Can't Play Mkv

Freedom and Future ......

Rome, July 30 The birth of the parliamentary group, consisting of 33 Finian, Future and Freedom for Italy, "states the official break even on the political relationship between the two co-founder of the Freedom Party. The members of this new splinter group, however, promise to remain faithful to the commitments made to voters to support the government seems not to risk any crisis and consequent early elections.

After the press conference Fini, in response to amendment of the coordination of the party during which the premier had said that the president of the chamber had to leave the bench top of Deputies no longer suitable and compatible with this role, the co-founder of PDL had noted that his office did not depend on the choices of the Premier and that he represented the whole parliamentary period.

In defense of this last statement had also deployed members of the opposition.

The Premier met with his most loyal staff is evaluating the numbers and how to retrieve any new votes in support of the PDL between the members of the UDC of Casini, API Rutelli and MPA Lombardo, expanding and changing the government structure purged by the followers of Fini.

not feasible at present, the decision to go to the polls even after the declaration of President Napolitano the top of the PD, who remember the importance of maintaining continuity institutional life in the interest of the nation. Not to mention the location, can often declared, in opposition to this hypothesis by the league that gives prominence to the approval of decrees covered the federalism.

Berlusconi, trusting of his most loyal collaborators, tried to break with the President direct the room after he had made you know that the first polls after hot announcement of the formation of this new parliamentary group gave a consistency ranging between 1-3%, so irrelevant to the government and future elections.

At the end of the evening, but other polls have come out where this new band led by Purposes, it might be confirmed with a more usual 10%, this would push the prime minister seeking new allies and early elections by "October", not to give enough time to organize the territory of Finian.

Another hypothesis that more and more steps forward and a transitional government led by Tremonti with support of the League, and Fini part of the opposition, they would do everything possible to delegitimize the current prime minister, and would reduce the follow the wishes of the President of the Republic.

Friday, July 23, 2010

How To Make Hummus On A Kitchenaid

VJ artists missed! Tips from emigrant

reading the news today that the last survivor of the lineage of vj, recycled from the last opinion of Xfactor, Charles Shepherd decided to start a career as a singer, I went to review some video of other former VJ who before him had already tried the path of star! as rightly said a music blog I read often: it may be that spending too long in the midst of crap music to spur them to reproduce it unconsciously, or simply are tired of being on the other side microphone dl interviewing people to grow old without talent. but unfortunately realize that people around you do not have the talent does not automatically offer you gifts that you have not ... otherwise all the critics would be artists!
and traces the path of these poor victims of the failure of MTV's I noticed how the fashion styles of music have changed and how despite all the old and new VJs have been a mirror of youth fashions.
start for one of the pioneers who along with Andrea Pezzi (which after a few rays in the program that looked just me, it's definitely gone from TV) and Daniele Bossari (Mastrota heir of George, who can turn anything into a giant TV flop ) has been the face of music for TV excellence that came from the United States and that the Italians wanted at all costs to replace with VideoMusic guilty of not being quite cool!
he's Enrico Silvestrini, which has now finally given to the detective fiction (which requires 3 simple facial expressions: surprise, anger and sadness with the bonus of a tear or a colleague if he dies) after some Muccino attempt in cinema. in the world of music called himself SILV3RMAN and this is the video Battlefield

the video is not much of a girlfriend, a cross between the cartoons and those of Gorillaz 883. but to think of it perhaps Henry is almost better as a singer and actor! should try again ... who knows what time the grizzled has more success;)

The second I found in the depths of youtube vj belongs to the second generation, that of Cris & Cris, Mark Maccarini, Victoria Cabello, which the bottom has not been a time since the unfortunate person you show the video, I would say that currently has a good, well-paid seasonal work: specializes in cinepanettoni! you know who I'm talking about?! no, Pauline ... even before there was the legendary Nongiovane, who brought the ugliness on television and film. and this is his piece Orange, accompanied by his singing group, EDCs

as might be expected from him, a lot of video brit-vintage chorus and stupid (I'd like to be in NY but I'm in California) but quite catchphrase. and do not even have a voice so annoying as I expected. I can not understand how not to have smashed the charts. 100 thousand times if you really had to choose just one second that this piece of Lost or Broken heart college ... just do not understand how the world of music! (

Before total failure of the capital M tv (so to speak) there was a moment of confusion where some other TV VJ landed towards the more commercial, as if there was a presentiment of the fact that the music you were homogenized in a horrible can of worms by not opening at all. a symbol of the diaspora was Alessandro Cattelan who then resisted until the last breath gasps of MTV Italy and in 2006 took out this piece damage (along with other much better than him)

is a piece of pseudo-rap genre "bad" in Fabri Fibra seems to have then followed the exploits but with greater success. talks about the world of music and entertainment almost from the series "but where will it end," a symptom of a crisis that would leave him even with his ass on the floor!

last but not least, we kikka, who refused to accept his dismissal by MTV when they began to have a slight reputation and decided to become a music critic in a talent show in which he would probably have wanted to participate. I leave you with his video Siamese Smile jumble of platitudes typical of the last generation made in MTV, the piece of his group, wemen is not evil but definitely would come out better if he had not sung. in my opinion the worst performance among the 4 .... and there vuoleeeee!!
ps: and it says that a pastor had a soft spot for Charles when he was just the job! ; D

Monday, July 19, 2010

What Is Cytherea's Real Name

you very fond of traveling to many places: houses, streets, squares but also places where you spend your time having fun and usually by eating or drinking.
Since last year I did not stop a moment in the same place for more than 6 months I take this opportunity to draw up my personal list of interesting places around Europe where I lived ... then everyone can take inspiration for their holidays or experience abroad.

Starting from my hometown in Puglia, or the heel of Italy (as I always say to the English to explain where I come from) Trani to recommend "The tavern sounds " in vico maria ciardi near the port which is a nice place from the environment and although it is very light and no windows is quite welcoming. is family run and why you eat reasonably affordable and is the only place in town where you can find beer Cisk Maltese, which is one of the most famous, but for those who have some good memories of hot summer Malta can find to please. Also in Trani a bar a little more sophisticated and slightly from the alternative is the "Korova " in G. Bovio 151 near the main post office. Always popular with the people place during the winter season offers evenings djset quite unique, the only flaw is the tight space. For

Urbino, dell'UNESCU heritage city in the Marche, where I spent 4 years of my life, I would definitely recommend "the tavern of artsti " in Via Bramante 52 (not to be discouraged by the uphill ), restaurant and also a pizzeria, where the food is good and cheap, about a very very nice. degrees of attention to the periods in which one might find among the chaos of more than one party. After dinner, do not forget to head to the club " ACLI " that has absolutely nothing to do with the ' Catholic Action , only the name of the place but is run by guys who organized evenings of concerts, jam sessions and DJ sets that are the only way out to the discos. plus the place is very nice, away from annoying neighbors and a large garden enclosed by medieval walls.
A Bilbao I spent eight months that appeared 10 years, on the one hand I can not seem to essermene never the other way and I always hope to return. setbacks in the advice to those who also happen by accident (as is often the Italians in Spain who do not know the wonders of Pais Vasco), the " Antzokia Kafe" in Calle San Vicente 2, which is by far my favorite place. is a former theater (as indeed he says his name in the Basque language) now used as a bar-restaurant by day and a local concert hall, and often at night. stands on two floors with a spacious stage, the weekend is getting a little hard to get especially on late, but for those who appreciate the environment "rock" is a great opportunity for fun. the typical thing is that when the place is closing so they put together pieces traditional Basque people go home happier;)
Another local rock is quite the ' Azkena "ibanez in calle de Bilbao 26, narrower than the above, but more or less the same type of people. Finally, although I'm not a lover of the clubs I recommend you not go without a Saturday to " Fever" on a Santana 27 in Bolueta , a town near Bilbao, but easily reachable by subway (the Sabbath open all night) 1 or 2 direction Etxebarri . is a huge nightclub with several rooms in which to find all types of music, not to be unhappy with anyone!

A Malta I roam 4 months and I remember very well the delicious mojito's "Mojito Bar " at 138 Tower Road (Sliema), just under a very low hotel cost (Hotel Europe), overlooking the promenade in Sliema. In the evenings instead Paceville advice to those wishing to escape the light of the Maltese tamarraggine Saturday night or on the beach or the local bottellon " Coconut" in 17 Wilga Street (Paceville), which distungue a little from others rock music although sometimes too predictable!

Of my six months in Madrid we would have to talk a lot but I will try to summarize the evening low gloss short of advice. Not to be missed as a relaxing bar "El jardin secreto " on Calle de San Bernardino 22, near the Plaza de Espana. the decor is great attention to detail in style sprites of the forest and a variety of tea coffee and chocolate (more than starbucks ). attention to the prices quite high even by the standards of Madrid and crowding in certain times of the day you could wait for a table more than 30 minutes. For an aperitif in the area
Sol is full of places that offer 2x1 Madrid that given the prices were always handy. If you are looking for places to find foreigners increased from mega Irish pub " O'Connell" in calle y Mina 7 Espoz road where you have to be good at the slalom between pr of the premises with the their collection of flyer. For dinner
Madrid could drain the wallets then I recommend going to places less traditional and more low cost (for charity Mc'Donald or Burger King ... I do not want you to drink the poisoned before calimocho) as " Fresh "which is in various places but the most central is in a side street of Calle Arenal (near Sol) which with 10 € you can eat all you want and you can fill your plate as many times as you want. the series "a paradise for gluttons." or settle for a diet a little more monotonous and gobbling of montaditos (small sandwiches to 1 € about the size of a finger MONT-finger) from "100 montaditos " anywhere in Madrid, impossible not to find them, but perhaps the most central is on Calle Montera (famous for nothing but montaditos eheheheheh). After dinner
must see a local reign of Madrid nightlife: the "Sala Sol " on Calle de los Jardines 3, a side street of Calle Montera. a huge local open until 7 am on weekdays where you can find live performances over the weekend and usually puts on music, but very funky alternative. Entry is € 9 or 10 depending on time and usually must deal with a fairly consistent line, but rest assured it's worth it! Another round of local alternatives but rather more British style is in the area Tribunal, specifically on Calle de Velarde 18 and is called "La Via Lactea . but if you are in the area Huertas is a very nice room, whose name says it all: "I mother was a batch, " on Calle de santa Poland 5.

last stop (for now) is Malaga and here I can recommend a very good place to sample tapas from around the world, is called "Gato with botanical " Santiago on Calle 6, a small side street of Granada's most famous street. has just two tables outside and a little tight between two buildings but you can eat delicious and cheap things, especially for those who are vegetarian like me and in Spain has a problem with the tapas. I recommend the lid of Israel even though I did not understand what was inside eheheheh!
then if you want a pizza I recommend the best solution for money of all time: 2.90 € a pizza the size and thickness Italian, even if cooked by two Arabs " los 2 Calvos " in Frailes Calle (El area Elejido ). For dinner instead post my tips always fall on the rock and the British as "Long live rock " on Calle de Jose Denis Belgrano 19 and the "Velvet " in a side street of Calle Mendez Nunez. the two have a beautiful appearance from the outside but inside they are quite comfortable, certainly will be more when the anti-smoking will be applied! more late, always over there every day there is a place that gives live performances: the "ZZ Pub. The place
comuqnue where you go if you look for the real nightlife is a little square next to impossible to find by chance because hidden among the narrow streets of the historic Plaza Mitjana .

And here ends my tour this time;) I hope will be helpful!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hippie Stores In Michigan For Plus Size

4 luglio 2010

I talked so much these days ... with so many people ... I
I am often alone ... really wonderful people around me.
I think this should be a thank you ... because I also said very bad things, very "dark" ... I even said that "not worth it" ... and there was always someone there to listen, to try to understand [things totally incomprehensible.]
Those words of 12 years ago, are without hope "always carry within me .. and sometimes I feel like my ring ... But when the utter emptiness there to receive them ... there is no silence ...

THANKS to those who fill me with unconditional love

despite the disasters that combines
despite everything.

Value Of A 1901 1 Oz Fine Silver Walking Liberty

4 Luglio 1998

I woke up bad ... A nightmare that I do not remember me out to sleep tonight, I was left staring at the street lights chase each other on the wall until dawn, then I have worn back to sleep next to my sister in the bedroom of the hotel room to the sea ... hot despite the fan, but never mind, I just wanted to sleep.
When my sister has overtaken urlandomi it was late, and that if I did not move would not let me even a croissant for breakfast, I mumbled a "who cares" that has been lost in the sound of water in the sink.

empty room, I turn in the Latvia's huge. I do not want to sleep, I will not get up. I would like to recall what woke me up tonight ... there is something that scares me, I know that waiting for me out there ... I do not want to get out ... but I do not want to be here without knowing what it is. Ten years

after I talk about this with someone special ... Indeed, she speaks I listen, and when I say that maybe I understand what you mean, I know I believe in hard work.

Esco hotel to go to the beach, I start to walk the course. Around a bit 'in stores now know them by heart: the shrine after the ice cream, then toys, swimwear, the bazaar of postcards and souvenirs ... I stopped there as usual, tidying a bit 'out of place cards, spare the smile of the middle-aged woman looking at me from his chair behind the counter ... tidying up the objects around me always calms me down, and after a few minutes I go out and start walking again.

We arrive at the beach: I think I'll pass in the cabin to change clothes, because the costume I made today ... umbrella step to ask for the keys to mom, and she starts crying when she sees me.
not asking you the keys, do not ask anything: I woke up tonight, I watch in silence, the beat of my heart seems deafening.
"He called my father" - the deafening beat, I feel fatigue - "the newspaper said ..."
Handkerchief, silence ... heart deafening, newspaper ...
"Your S. ... is ... is ... oh God ..."
every day, take the newspaper, my mother does not want it away, the cry to leave me alone.

so I'm going, with the newspaper in hand, with my heart that covers the entire Yoke type, with children who laugh and cry but do not feel ... with the costume but without the keys in hand, I do not want the keys, I want nothing.

I read several times obituary, scroll all the newspaper, there is no other. No articles nor sidebars, no scandals, no gossip about that person that all defined as "fragile", "sick", "depressed" ...
She calls herself "hopeless", but perhaps the nostri15 years were too few to understand the meaning of "hopeless."
When I wrote I wrote for her, because she was reading ... I liked to see her smile when she read my themes.
I stopped writing after her.
"You give me the strength to go on" ... I felt proud and happy when he uttered these words.
But was not there, were not there when it happened ... we were not there when he took sleeping pills to numb ... were not there when he dropped ... there was none.

today that death is part of that study, now in training that I see people die, I know it's hard not to be alone when you die: you can have doctors and relatives, and friends and with around ... but at that moment nothing is really close.

So it is strange ... he was alone when he did there was no one ...
But even before she was alone ... and when he decided he had anyone, when he said he wanted to do and no one has figured ... not just died alone ... has been left alone.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Broken Out Under Breasts

The 80 also break down the walls University

In 1985, after difficult years leading the division as they had more than unity, is now clearly recognized by all EU institutions need to take the eurepee consideration the social and human dimensions of the Community. In this sense, cooperation and mobility in evidence at last become of central importance. Like today says Sofia Corradi a "Erasme" that returns is certainly a convinced European . What he can not do that well to a union of states in which we often do not realize transformations to which you are witnesses. That does not mean having to approve a new culture emerging, but try to reconcile the two cultures, both in the same way, belong to us: that the membership of our state and European level. all in a context where more and more the term globalization can be replaced with the term glocalization , ie global and local as two sides of same coin, say yes to the killing of any border but jealously attachment to their land.
Then the action leading to the actual birth of the Erasmus becomes extremely shipped. Without the experience of about six or JSP joint study funded in ten years, is convened a special meeting in Brussels where the European Commission presents proposals for the actual program. In June 1986 the Ministers of Education approve the objectives of the Twelve and the general plan of Erasmus and also the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee gave their full support.
After several economic problems the final launch took place May 14, 1987 meeting of the Council of Ministers of Education. The baby was named after Erasmus program (the name which is still mentioned even though it was later incorporated into a larger program) in addition to being the Romanization name of Erasmus of Rotterdam, is above all stands for European Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students . From the name of the program and then derived the tendency to indicate other programs with names of famous people of the various European cultures which Socrates, Leonardo or Comenius.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Miranda Cosgrove Bra Slip

Bicchieri Rotti

"His eyes lit up with a different glow.
I knew he was overcoming all obstacles.
Then I released her hand, I took a glass and I moved to the edge of the table. "Fall," he said.
"Exactly. I want you to do this fall. "
" Break a glass? "

Yes, break a glass. A seemingly simple gesture, but that implies that terror will never reach a full understanding. What's wrong with breaking a glass of little value, when all of us, unwittingly, we have already done the same thing in life?

"Break a glass?" He repeated. "Why?"
"I can explain it," I replied. "But, in truth, is the only way to break it."
"For you?"
"No, of course."
He looked at the glass on the edge of the table, worried about falling.

'is a rite of passage, as you say yourself,' I wanted to explain. 'And the prohibited. They do not break the glasses on purpose. In a restaurant, or in our homes, we worry that the glasses do not end up on the edge of the table. Our world demands attention, so the glasses do not fall to the ground. '
' Yet, 'I still thought,' when we break them unintentionally accorgiarno that there is not really that serious. The waiter tells us: "It does not matter," and I've never seen a broken glass in the account include a restaurant. Breaking glass is part of the case of life and not cause any real harm, neither to us nor to the restaurant or at the next '.
I gave a jolt to the table. The glass has swayed, but did not fall.
"Careful!" He said, instinctively.
"Shatter that glass," I insisted I.

'Shatter that glass,' I thought, 'because it is a symbolic gesture. Try to understand me, inside me, I broke things far more important than a glass and I'm happy. Think about the struggle raging inside of you and break this glass.
Because our parents taught us to be careful with the glasses and with the bodies. They explained that the passions of childhood are impossible, we must not distract the men from the priesthood, that individuals do not make miracles happen and that nobody goes on a journey without a definite destination. Break this glass, please, and deliver us from these damn bias, the craze that is necessary to explain everything and do only what others approve '.

"Break this glass," I repeated.
I set eyes. Then, slowly, he slid his hand on the table, until it touches the glass. With
a quick movement, pushed him down.
The sound of breaking glass drew the attention of all. Instead of masking the gesture apologizing, he looked at me smiling and I returned the gesture.
"It does not matter," exclaimed the boy who served at the tables.

But he was not listening. He stood up and, putting his hands through his hair, kissed me . "
Paulo Coelho, from On the banks of the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept

such horrible things happen that can not be tell.
But sometimes we live in such wonderful things that words can not express.
I have "broken a glass, e. .. even longer remember what it meant to be happy.
Have a smile and heart, without words communicate things that transcend words.
miss someone as soon as you leave your hand, feel that this failure is not "no" but "presence".
be vulnerable but feel safe,
let go but do not be afraid of falling.

For a long time my body has ceased to be a threat to annihilate, and has become something of value.
And I ... I was no longer an object in the hands of others ... * I was * * and I loved *...

There was a moment when I wanted to go back and relive everything, moment by moment ...
now I want to go on, carrying with me the light, feeling inside that Love ...
Knowing that is a great gift that only some of extraordinary ... someone who knows how to love unconditionally can do ...

Thanks ... * Here *:))

Saturday, May 29, 2010

White Discharge 9 Days Before Period

3 music recommendations

Lately in my spare time I concentrate on finding new and interesting bands will update on what I've discovered over the last month of more or less on unemployment benefits.

1) WEATHER THE DEAD, the name may sound like a metal band but is actually made up of large pieces of the Alternative Rock singer of the Kills, the Raconteurs bassist, guitarist of Queen of the Stone Age and then the singer / guitarist / drummer of White Stripes.

2) Liars, a New York group founded in 2000 as a punk-funk, and eventually turned into noise-new wave. no coincidence that since 2004, residing in Berlin, capital of the world ... garde!

3) DeLorean, is an indie band from the far north of Spain, a beautiful country of Guipuzcoa (where I took a picture in which they are most fond of), Zarauz ! play together since 2000 but only recently have become more famous internationally than in their own country. moreover, no offense, Spain is certainly not the country music innovation.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

What Does It Mean Not To Mount A Hard Drive?

I have many wings ...

... but today the sun is coming out,
and I know that I have so many skies to fly
and I know that the wind gives everyone a lot of wings
and wind will make me fly
(I have so many wings to get to heaven)
the wind I will fly
(I have so many wings to get to the sun)
nothing can kill me now ...

I wondered how many times you can raise ... after how many falls it is still able to stand ...
"What does not kill you strengthens you," you say ... I think we all forget the third option.
The calm after the storm. What does not kill you can do so badly to erase any "after". The peace does not repair the devastation of the storm.
I wrote so much these days, not here, I wrote letters ... I wrote things, spare me. I can not put them back together.
If you are still here is because after each relapse, after every damn hospital, I always said a couple of new wings, believing at least some 'I would have supported.
How many times you have to get up, before you feel justified to surrender? Now it is assumed that

that I am good, I think I finished the wings ...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bloody Nose Scabs Pick

Sofia Corradi "Mamma Erasmus, a Europe in '68! A student who came from far

"It was certainly an easy route began on the ruins of a Europe torn apart by World War II and the Cold War in which this was a great suffering. It was a path built with optimism and determination of people of good will belonging to cultures that at the time were considered very different from one another, "says Dr. Sofia Corradi, lecturer of the Faculty of Education at the University of Rome, considered the mother of the Erasmus Project.
The interest in practical support to international student mobility Corradi was born in the student and the teacher Corradi, because during her university studies had been able to benefit in 1959 of the Fulbright Scholarship Program, which allowed to perform a period of learning abroad. On his return, despite having earned the title of Master of Comparative Law at Columbia University, was denied the recognition of three exams which still lacked the degree in Law at the University of Rome.
From here, just the battle for a mobility program that would live by the students. Corradi
In 1962 he won the World United Nations launched the International Federation of Business and Professional Women, and this brings her young to the session of the Commission on Human Rights held in New York at the UN headquarters. On this occasion it is dedicated to the deepening of the issues concerning the right to education as a fundamental human right.
In 1969 in Geneva at the General Assembly of the Conference of European Rectors you start talking about university autonomy, which will be then the fundamental innovation in the construction of Erasmus. It must be acknowledged on this occasion Professor Corradi to the merit of being able to involve all the rectors in a period of student protests calling for the daily presence of the rectors in place.
This happened thanks to a clever trick (devised considering the dynamics of the environments in which the international Corradi had already become accustomed to following the experience at the UN): Corradi, the Chancellor sent a letter to each person making them understand that all had acceded to 'meeting other than the addressee of the letter.
This important meeting offered the Community authorities and Governments national key to set the EU policy in a sector like education, which had been strangely overlooked by the Treaty of Rome that had marked the beginning of the journey towards the European Union.
In Italy meanwhile, there was still a very nationalistic concept for which Italian citizens were not to study abroad except in cases of particular family circumstances. Despite this, the new draft law of 1969 provided for a principle so revolutionary for its time: the student is granted the right to organize one's own curriculum, to be submitted later for approval of a Faculty Council. And this was a big step towards the abolition one of the biggest obstacles to the mobility of students without the rigidity of the traditional curriculum are much freer to make a stretch of its course at universities abroad.

It must be said that the university course of those years was a factor in the context of the problems students bring to the attention of individual governments, but also the influence exerted by some at that time made a part of the Rectors work.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Crochet Slippers With Sheepskin


For all the little people who still go out of here ... Today I thought I would post pictures of my house, because I have reached the goal "cosmic chaos" in my life and my house is a perfect image.
I think I will not take any strange disease, because they are too addicted to cleaning ... for the rest:
I almost burn the notes forensic lighting the stove to make coffee x
half of my clothes are in the kitchen (including bottles of Pepsi Light)
the other half on the couch (in the notes of Medicine Labour and gynecology)
I stopped I started cooking
sleep (a little ') I can not study

keep writing I want to talk with someone but I do not know what to say

step for your blog, sorry to not comment, I wrote a few emails confused
Dony, please well, well, you see ..

think I'm exhausted
I miss Black, you is not it?

in a week that I do not binge eating (evviva!)
but I've done a lot of trouble
I have not smoked anything strange
but I'm lonely.

I have some ghost in the head that does not go away.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Dragon Ball Z Boobs Episodes

the opponent!

Rome, April 22 - Gianfranco Fini, president of the Chamber of Deputies and co-founder of PDL, reveals the first and strongest opponent of the Prime Minister.
During the meeting of the Directorate-General of the party, Fini publicly innagurato domestic opposition, leading the ranks of dell'assise 12 members who voted against the final document where there was a condemnation of criticism of the Leader and the formation of internal factions, even if they promise loyalty and support to the government.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Snowboarding Takes Muscle

settimana "Magre da morire"

2008 book, written by Albina Perri, journalist Milan ... that it might be best limited to the journalism, instead of crap shoot in bursts.
I bought the book today, I've already read half and going ahead just to see how it ends (and why reading my OCD is felt: I just can not let go of a book in the middle ..). Anyway: what I've read so far is terrific. Yes, awesome: it consists largely of quotations from pro-ana blog, and removed some that might very well come from our blog, the others being the worst is in the network, and honestly seem written by people with psychotic disorders schizoid schizotypal-serious, with more than DCA. However
. Apart from the fact that, for me, post some stuff (which is the best word to describe me is x) is just one highlight something that is likely to do damage to persons "set", and arouse disgust-revulsion, derision toward the DCA in people "sane" ... Apart from that, I said, I did not just upset that it breaks the phenomenon of "pro-ana" (which obviously has no intention to deny) for Anorexia-Bulimia: I've read so much online, but it believes that remain to be anorexic and be pro-ana are different things, sometimes (few) overlapping, but one thing is for sure: when you get to weigh 30 kg, admitted that when you spend more time at home yours, when you're really sick, you do not even go to the hall of the brain to write that what kills you is your "goddess" ... ie, dick, please explain how do you say "My Goddess Ana" ...

Oh well, I was always so warm it up this point, however, regarding the book: I feel offended to read that you idolize anorexia "Ana", be part of a cult, being "pussies and fashioned , (x and everything done for investigation rather than for what it is, a bunch of seasoned copy-paste from websites with the worst cliches and platitudes) ... hell, we will also be sick, but not deficient, I would say that on average are pretty smart, and feel the pain is "pain" but "faith in Ana ..
... well, I think it'll sell as used qs book after reading it, at least get some 'of X includes a waste of money.

Friday, April 9, 2010

How Long Can You Have Trichimonisis

In the medieval university was not possible to take medicine, canon law, or any other option without having attended the first courses in culture general who taught the 'essential , or a vision of man in its relations with other men. One way of conceiving this study, very modern and for nothing obscurantist as you might expect from those times.
The curricula were common, the students did not belong to a single university, they could take courses in all universities exist, and then often follow the lessons of the best teachers moved from one location to another facing endless trips on foot or horseback. This is the model of the universe that has probably inspired and enabled the creation of European culture. And this model probably thought the founders the most successful program of international mobility in Europe.
programs of international cooperation between universities of the first project is called Erasmus
JSP (Joint Study Programs or joint study) and were interdepartmental agreements for the exchange of students, often based on the goodwill of enlightened teachers. From 1976 to 1984 the European Commission is supporting JSP 409 and the Italian universities are involved in many as 73 projects, with a weight percentage of 18%.
Initially, the program did not provide the actual institutional contracts that we have today but simply agreements between universities and JSP are very similar to those recorded by the inter-university programs Cooperation called PIC.
Given that even at the institutional level there was not much information about it, the teachers usually dismiss the students start with a little reassuring, "go and let us know what it is!", Then were the brave pioneers of the Erasmus who paved the way for millions of children in the years to follow.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How Many Energy Drinks Can You Drink In 24 Hours

The Wind Blows from the North Green

The day after the regional elections, which many have been likened to the "mid-test" the U.S., where voters usually give a warning to the ruling parties, with the warmth of consensus, as has happened recently in France, Italy continues to reward center even though all claim to have won or at least maintained their positions. But the novelty of this election is that for the first time, the center has not won by Silvio Berlusconi, but thanks to the league.
The results show an Italy divided geographically with North coalzione firmly in the hands of government, particularly through the League all'avvanzamento gaining portrone also the regions of Piedmont and Veneto. The center-left confirms the leadership of the central regions of Italy has always been strongholds of the Left, Tuscany, Liguria, Marche, Umbria and to which is added the great personal success Vendola in Puglia, and against the choices of centralizing PD scored and won the primary in a plebiscite
Another important sign is the strong turnout by the citizens in this election, a factor that often punishes teams right of center less rooted in the territory in the post-communist formations that make the strength of this closeness with the people.
The young mayor of Florence, Matteo Renzi, exposing the next generation of the PD said "the turnout and success of Cricket show that people are angry with us. Because the policy can no longer move." The list
"5 stars" promoted by Beppe Grillo was the novelty of this election gathering consensus in the few regions in which it was submitted, with the unexpected 4.1% in Piedmont and 7% in Emilia Romagna, cheering on his blog by the noted comic-guru, who now promises to get to the hunting of 10% and 4% to enter into the national parliament.
"The PDL held in front of a League unleashed, while the left has failed, it went ko," this is the comment of Umberto Bossi, adding that this result will not bring problems or tensions within the majority, but rather it will strengthen the call for reform. Inotre advance his candidacy to succeed Letizia Moratti, head of the city of Milan, but the allies dampen the spirits on this idea, referring to the decision in due course.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Magellan 101-095 Instructions

It Should not Hurt to Be a Child ... Alice

And now, what Should she do?

It's not your fault ...

entonces, ¿porque ya no puedo vivir?


Ya, the Sabia ...

It's not your fault.



I do not think so.

Friday, March 26, 2010

How Can You Tell If A Scorpio 1 Likesyou?

Susan Boyle System

What happens to the Italian music lately?! the top 10 is almost completely invaded by escaped characters (or even not yet) from the talent show.
what have we become?! a people whose primary source of information and is istuzione TV?! not that we are talking about people with no talent, absolutely no opinio on their singing ability. I just wonder if now to be appreciated by the general public necessarily have to compromise with the kind of public shame that is the mechanism of reality TV or pseudo reality. because we already know that people like to know the lives of "famous" ... even before they are! without realizing that it is precisely that which makes known their eagerness vouyeristica these praiseworthy strangers. but never has there been so great and intense popularity and economic success of these subjects. So what has changed since the X Factor was won by Aram Quartet and friends or by Giulia Ottonello?! What
changed the public in these few years? What did that people would start mass televoting Marco Valerio Scanu Charter and the Festival of Sanremo?!
not have an answer, I should make a thorough sociological study on a public way too broad. the most simplistic thing that comes to mind is that marketing is more and that the people are unfortunately very susceptible to this insidious form of power.

the thing I was heartened that in this star system to Susan Boyle, there is also someone who sometimes struggles to write his songs and even put some mild social critique

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Masterbate Before Bed


At a time when young people are certainly not known for their good manners, rather they are witnesses or not, small and large acts of violence quatidiana, this film seems to ride the wave of a company misleading and a childhood without color.
As usual, the northern European cinema does not disappoint in photography, portraits and images of beauty ... the weight of history and the original way of telling perhaps left something to be desired, at least to those who waited great film critics who had predicted. it is not a bad film, but left me in the mouth as well as a disappointing end as an episode of "Blue Night", a mixture of flavors already heard. the voiceover narration that runs through places almost no time and no space, cold and aseptic as human relationships of the characters, reminded me of the most famous village of Von Trier: Dogville! the fear of a neighbor of the family for good, having children grow. the fear that what we seem to know it is not that much. to trust seems to have become the greatest fear of modernity! and that's where the fear creates violence!
the symbolism of the white to accompany the trend consistently politically correct / incorrect characters Actually, it reminded me of the good old Funny Games instead.
two beautiful original split of companies taken to quote ... but with a little more, I guess.
the new element is education and not just coincidence that the protagonist is the teacher, who inspires, however, moves in history as a minor figure compared to the parent-child relationship and the gestures of anger and pain that cause with each other. the point is: do not just put a white tape on the heads of our children, hoping that someone else educates them in the name of the values \u200b\u200bthat we do not know him.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Soft Fuller Cervix Before Period Is Due

***... difficili sai che domande fai?

In your opinion, there is no way back from anorexia?

No. I do not think you can go back.
I do not think you can erase the hatred of a body that does not want, to live without fear of punish you for every breath you take, the feeling of splitting you in the mirror - that's not me - that I do not want to be me.

But I believe we can move forward.
I think we can win the right to choose between death and life, between solitude and love, the gap between reassurance and happiness that is frightening. And I believe we can find the courage to exercise it, this right of choice. And choose life, every day, every single day.

know that you can heal because I know people who have been cured ... but it's a constant struggle.
E. is having an affair, work hard, be happy;
C. wants to return to college, think about going to live alone and do not realize how beautiful now that her eyes light up when she smiles ...
Apparently they are "good", but is not automatic, you do not fall from the sky, do not you get out of bed one day saying, "It's over." Every day you wake up, you look in the mirror, see a huge belly, two legs obscenely fat, overflowing a sit and think "I want go back, I eat cabbage, "and when you think about it, you know you can not do so because they know it's a one-way trip with no possibility of intermediate stops ... and the destination is death.
So choose to live. Today. And tomorrow. And the next day. It is difficult. It is tremendously difficult. But inside you die has ceased to be a viable option.

"What is which do not agree to do to heal from anorexia? is the need to gain weight or is it something else? "

Here. Now it will seem crazy that I write.
I believe anorexia, bulimia, binge ... not have to do with weight, or with food. I mean, obviously not a great idea to fast for a week, clearing the kitchen binge, vomit until they break the stomach and esophagus ... is not normal to have 25 years and weigh less than your cousin's 9 or avoid air travel because with your 130 kg are there in the seat ...
MA is not the point. Maybe it was the beginning, when you decided to go on a diet, when you came back from gym class feeling fat ... but when you get sick when they are years - and years - that your whole life revolves around weight and food, you realize that weight and food are not the problem.

The problem is YOU. Is your fear, do not get to meet the extreme limits of perfection that you put yourself - and for some strange reason are now limits universal the problem is that it is so long that you're ill that you can not even think that there may be a life without DCA ... is not live so long that you've forgotten how.
few years ago a doctor specializing in eating disorders (and totally unable to understand them) asked me: Why not try to remember as you were anorexia? Why will not you take your life where anorexia has stopped?
Phenomenal. This is a genius, I thought. And I laughed.
Then at home I cried, thinking of his words.
How the hell do I take back my life from where you left off? I became ill at age 14, I 27. I skipped through adolescence, early adulthood. My friends fell in love, went to school, smoked some spinel, laughing, dancing in a club, leaving their boy, wept, fought, burned school, they were happy, they were sad, they were angry, tired and exhilarated.
I had a guy in 14 years, I left. The next I had 10 years later. In between hospitalizations up shelters, the hospital was closed when I was not at home studying, not eating or vomiting. I lost almost all trips school, I lost most of the last years of high school (six months in the clinic, three in school, 4 in the clinic, five in school ..), I've never anata at the disco (I dance? everyone will see that I'm fat!) , I never got high (horror makes you hungry!), I declined invitations to slumber parties, campiscuola, class dinners, ice cream with friends ... and now I come to say "take back your life where you left it? I am 27 years, I can now do things I should do at 15, and at the same time I can not behave as an almost thirty, because I have the experience behind that would allow me to do so.
That impressed me about the post Vikki , because I I sometimes feel locked: you can not fill the hole behind you, you do not have enough ground under his feet to take a step forward.
And I find myself paralyzed by fear, even of things that should be granted: even leaving home is sometimes a problem.

So I think that's what keeps eating disorder: it is more of a habit, more than shelter, more than a disease: it is the perception that is everything you know and have experienced, is to see that all Your memories are tied to it, it is noted that a large part of you. And to think that a disease is part of you think is the most disarming and sad in the world. Sa's surrender.
Although sad, it's awfully strong, and it takes enormous courage to let it go, because when you leave, you have nothing. Of course, you know that then you rebuild, you have feelings, and values, and responsibility, and a million other things in your life ... but healing is a leap in the dark. And you can not heal "just a little ', to feel more secure, you can not" live "with an eating disorder: if you do not come out sooner or later ricadi. And with each relapse

plunge further down:
first admission, 40 kg, weight recovery, I resign
second patient, 36 kg, recoveries ('re even good!), You resign
third 32 kg, recoveries (this time not so much, just about ten pounds),
come home fourth, 29 kg, ride in intensive care, in spite of everything remains alive. Whenever
below, each time closer to death ...
... and in moments of lucidity understand that the game is this: exit from anorexia before it kills you.

Alice *** if you got this far: thank you for your patience, and have asked questions that I had stopped to ask myself too ....
For those who feel like it: Cause I try to respond to questions you Alice?

big kiss to all ^ ^